CARCIL National Conference On Antitrust Laws By CNLU, Patna & Competition Commission Of India: Register By 28 Feb 2023

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Who Is The Organiser?

Chanakya National Law University, Patna (CNLU) was established in the year 2006 with an altruistic aspiration of serving society by disseminating high-quality legal education and legal awareness. CNLU has garnered a pan-India reputation as a stellar institution for legal research and education. CNLU strives to provide opportunities for students and research scholars to enhance their knowledge, practical nuances and research skills through conferences, capacity building series, guest lectures on contemporary issues revolving in collaboration with Central & State Statutory Bodies, Think tanks and Research Centers, other National and State Educational Institutions, Law Firms, Trade Association, among others.

The Centre for Advanced Research on Corporate and Insolvency Laws (CARCIL) is a Centre of Excellence with an aims to provide a platform to carry out research projects, organise academic workshops, lectures, and conferences, conduct Faculty Development Programs etc., and work towards the advancement of Corporate and Insolvency laws in India.

What Are The Details Related To The Conference?

The conference consists of two sessions. The first session will be a Panel Discussion followed by a technical session of Paper Presentation. In Panel Discussion professionals from the legal, academic, and business communities would discuss issues on “Big-Tech’s Tussle with Anti-Trust Laws” and the growing concerns about the power and influence of large technology companies, and their impact on competition, innovation, and consumer welfare. Academicians, legal practitioners, and students are eligible to attend the Panel Discussion.

The CARCIL invite authors to submit original, unpublished manuscripts, along with an abstract, for presentation in the Conference under the below-mentioned theme to contribute to the discourse around the contemporary issues in Anti-Trust laws. After reviewing all the manuscripts, the shortlisted authors will be invited to present their manuscripts before the experts on the day of the Conference on the theme ‘Law & Practice in Anti-Trust Laws’ and Sub Themes are: Merger Control and its impact on competition, Abuses of dominant position and their enforcement, Competition and Intellectual Property Rights, Competition in Digital Markets, Competition Law and Regulation in Emerging Economies, Competition Law and Consumer Protection, Competition Policy and State Aid, Competition and Innovation, Cartels and Collusive Practices, Competition Law and Economic Development, Competition and Market Structure, International Cooperation in Competition Law Enforcement, Competition Law and Sustainable Development, Competition Law and Competition Culture, Private enforcement of competition law.

What Are The Important Dates & Submission/ Registration Process?

  • Last date of Registration: February 28, 2023
  • Last date of Paper Submission: March 10, 2023
  • Intimation of Selected Papers for Paper Presentation: March 20, 2023
  • Date of Conference (Panel Discussion and Paper Presentation): April 7, 2023.
  • Registration fee for Students: INR 500 each author
  • Registration fee for academicians: INR 750 each author
  • Registration fee for Practitioners: INR 1000 each author
  • The author(s) shall register for the paper presentation through the registration form before the registration deadline.
  • CLICK HERE to fill online registration form.
  • The author(s) shall submit the manuscript via this form latest by March 10, 2022. For detailed submission guidelines.

For More Information:

For any query contact on or Mr. Prateek Khandelwal: +91-9079145179, Ms. Kinjal Keya: +91-8271561449 & Mr. Saurabh Agrawal: +91 79992 58213.

CLICK HERE For The Brochure

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