Call for Papers:Journal for Law Students and Researchers (JLSR):[Issue- I,Volume-I] Submission on Rolling Basis

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Call for Papers:Journal for Law Students and Researchers (JLSR):[Issue- I,Volume-I]

Submission on Rolling Basis


 Journal for Law Students and Researchers (JLSR), envisions to empower the individual of tomorrow to advance and learn from the theoretical and practical aspects of the contemporary law today. Law as a field, is a predominantly present in the lives of people in society, and as such its discourse and dissemination are requisite in a proper forum today. Journal for Law Students and Researchers (JLSR), therefore, acts as a platform for the researchers and students, along with academicians to publish their research on contemporary issues of the law, so as to enable the growth and understanding of the aspects of the law to the interested individuals in society. This enables engagement in a fruitful discourse with the public, for their informative purposes and the awareness of the unaware on key legal issues. The ambit of the JLSR, includes, topics on important socio-legal contexts, socio-economic factors in law, or any other related theme pertinent to any field of law today.

The Journal welcomes submissions for its Ist issue. 


The Journal accepts all submissions related to fields under the ambit of law. All topics of contemporary relevance are welcome to be published in the Journal.

Note: The final decisions of the Editorial Board with regards to the contemporary relevance of the selected theme is binding, and the same shall be communicated as to the author(s).

Submission Guidelines

The Journal has a monthly issue, scheduled to be released each month. As such, rolling submissions are accepted for the Journal. All submissions must be emailed to and must be cc to with the subject as ‘Paper Submission – Issue I’ along with declaration to the effect (Signed by the author(s)) that the Paper is an original work of the author(s), and has not been published previously.


Submissions are welcomed from students pursuing a five-year integrated degree in law, or a three-year LL.B. degree, or any post graduate degree (LL.M. & Ph.D.) in law from any recognised university.

Submissions are also welcomed from practitioners, and academics, researchers and individuals pertinent and informed on the fields of law.


 Manuscript Guidelines

1.      The Journal welcomes previously unpublished and original submissions from author(s).
2.      The submissions are required to be sent with an abstract, not exceeding 300 words.
3.      The submissions to the journal are allowed from single authors and till a maximum of 2 Co-.  authors.
4.      The submissions should fall within the following categories with the word limits as follows:
a.       Articles: 3000-5000 words.
b.      Short Notes: 1000-2000 words.
c.       Book Reviews: 1000-2000 words.
d.      Case Comments: 1000-3000 Words.

Note: The word count is exclusive of Footnotes.

5.      Citations should be included as footnotes in the submissions. Kindly refrain from adding citations as end notes, so as to ensure uniformity in the journal.
a.       The citations should be according to any standard format.
b.      The footnotes should be uniform throughout the submission.
c.       Use of Speaking/Substantive Footnoting is discouraged. Kindly incorporate these elements in the main body of the submissions itself.
6.      The formatting guidelines are required to be followed by the author(s). The guidelines are as followed:
a.       The Body of the Submission must be in Times New Roman, Font Size:12, and with 1.5 Line Spacing.
b.      The main text of the Submission should be justified. Headings, may have a centred alignment.
c.       The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size: 10, and with 1.0 Line spacing.
d.      The submissions by the author(s) are encouraged to use headings, to separate various parts of the submission. This will ensure, better readability for the readers. Though this is not a necessary requirement.
e.       The use of precise and concise language is encouraged.
7.      The submissions should not contain the name of the authors mentioned in the body. The name of the author(s) will be provided in a separate cover letter.
8.      The cover letter will contain details of the author(s), including, the Author(s) name, the Author(s) professional or institutional affiliations, the Persons short background. The cover letter will also include key-words (a minimum of 5 highlighting the key aspects of the submission).
9.      The submissions must be sent in one of the following prescribed formats:
a.       MS Word (2007 Version or later).
10.  The Copyright of the Submissions will rest with Journal for Law Students and Researchers (JLSR).


a)      The Journal follows a strict no plagiarism policy. All submissions made by the author will be vetted with relevant plagiarism software in the review process. Any submissions not meeting the criteria will be rejected, summarily by the editorial board.

b)      The submissions not adhering to the requirements mentioned above, may be rejected, after due consideration by the Editorial Board. The Journal reserves all rights to do the same, and the final decision by the Editorial Board will be binding.

c)      The Submissions are required to pass through multiple stages of review, in light of the same, the board reserves the right to return the article to the author(s) for review, or correction of elements which it deems fit / identifies, as requiring necessary changes after any stage of the review process. The final acceptance of the submission is dependent on the incorporation of the corrections. The final decision shall rest with the editorial board.

d)      The submissions are required to contain footnoting, the use of end notes is not encouraged.

e)      There should be strict adherence to the citation style mentioned in the guidelines above. Any departure from the same, may result in rejection of the submission from the Editorial Board.

f)       All communication for relevant details, and acceptance will be done by the board with due process and consideration. The contact persons and details will be duly notified to the selected author(s).

g)      Kindly refrain from contacting the Editorial Board for the acceptance of the Submission. The communications regarding the acceptance will be made in due time and the co-operation and trust of the author(s) is requested for the same.

Important Dates.

Final Date of Submission: Rolling Basis

Notification of Acceptance of Submissions: Within  10 days.

 Contact Info

For further information regarding the submissions, please contact the undersigned:

Name: Vikranth

Number: 9136804644

For More details,  Click Here

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