Call for Papers: UPES Law Review Special Issue on COVID-19 by School of Law, UPES Dehradun: Submit by June 15

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Call for Papers:

UPES Law Review Special Issue on

COVID-19 by School of Law, UPES Dehradun:

Submit by June 15

Call for papers for Law Students/ academicians/ industry experts/ law experts and scholars. 

About UPES School of Law:

School of Law, UPES was established in 2007 in Dehradun as College of Legal Studies (COLS). It is one of the best and foremost multidisciplinary law schools in India.  Its  accomplishments has moved it to the pinnacle of legal education by creating expertise in the highly expanding and dynamic areas of Energy, Corporate, Taxation, Intellectual Property and Cyber laws. The objective at School of Law is to produce competent and strong global legal professionals for the future who contribute to nation-building.

About the Journal:

UPES Law Review is the leading academic journal emanating and embracing legal scholarship, published by School of Law, UPES, Dehradun. It had its inception in 2013 when it published its first volume and received the ISSN Number: 2347-9620 and RNI number. Its superior reputation is reflected in the excellent quality of the articles published in its previous four editions and this flagship journal is about to enter its fifth publication cycle this year.

LawOF Provides information about law review/ journal for Law Students/ academicians and scholars.

About the Issue:

The recent outbreak of the novel coronavirus has caused disruption across the world. Containment measures, including lockdowns of cities, extensions of public holidays, closures of public services (e.g. courts), cancellation of events, unprecedented “work from home” arrangements, international travel restrictions and quarantine measures are having worldwide impacts.Therefore, the theme ‘Covid-19: Impact on Law and Policy’ seeks to broadly analyze and promote discussion on the battle against the Covid-19 pandemic and way forward.
This year’s UPES Law Review Special Edition,  on the theme of ‘Covid-19: Impact on Law and Policy’ aims to foster a platform for sharing of knowledge in order to support all actors across the globe with the most up to date knowledge, methodologies and tools to cope with this crisis.


The article/note/research paper by academicians/industry experts/law experts and scholars may focus on any contemporary topic relating to Covid-19: Impact on Law and Policy such as the following:

1. Covid-19: Impact on Global Trade and Investment
2. Covid-19 and its effect on the Course of Globalization
3. Covid-19 and Mental Health
4. Employability Issues in Times of Crisis: Covid:19
5. Covid-19 and Competition Law Concerns
6. Intellectual Property Hazards in times of Covid-19
7. Covid-19: Policy Challenges and Traps in Restarting the Economy
8. Social Impact of Covid-19
9. CSR and Covid- 19
10. Covid- 19 and Impact on Environment
11. Covid 19: Impact on Data Privacy, Protection and Security
12. Covid 19: The Impact and Role of Mass Media During the Pandemic
13. Covid 19 and its Impact on Education System
14. Covid 19 and International Law

The above sub-themes are only illustrative. UPES Law Review would welcome papers on other topics related to Covid-19: Impact on Law and Policy.

Last date for abstract submission: 15th June, 2020.

Commencement of Acceptance of abstracts: 15th July, 2020

Last date for final submission of full paper: 15th August, 2020

  • Long Articles/Research Papers: 7000 to 10,000 words (inclusive of footnotes)
    Short Articles/Short Notes: 4000 to 6000 words (inclusive of footnotes)
  • All the submissions must consist of an Abstract of not more than 300 words, the main contribution and a declaration of originality. The abstract will not be included in the word limit.
  • A submission can be co-authored by a maximum of two people. Submissions are invited from academicians, practitioners, industry experts and research scholars.
  • Authors are requested to send their original, unpublished submissions in .doc/.docx format to

Contact Info

  • For any query and clarification contact us at:
    Dr. Shilpika Pandey
    Managing Editor +91-9650604597,
  • Ms. Aratrika Deb
    Executive Editor  +91-8017421602,  at:

Important Links

To know more about the Journal, click  – here.

To access the detailed Call for Papers, click – here.

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