Call for Papers:
UILS Law Review:
Submit by Sept 30
University Institute of Legal Studies is inviting articles for its interdisciplinary journal, “UILS LAW REVIEW”. Besides Law, we welcome original articles from different fields of social sciences like Economics and Commerce, Political Sciences, Sociology, History, Languages, etc.
The aim of our journal is to provide a platform to students, research scholars to explore different areas of law and society.
Submission Deadline:
Last date to submit articles is 30th September 2017.
Submission Procedure:
Interested persons can send their articles at
Important Instructions:
1. Manuscripts (not exceeding 7000 words, font size 12, theme font- Times New Roman) must be typed on one side of the paper, double-spaced, with one inch margin on all four sides in MS-Word format only in colour Black, will be accepted.
2. In the first page of the manuscript (cover page), please provide full names (first, middle and last) and full addresses (Institute’s address along with designation, correspondence address along with e-mail) and contact numbers of the author(s).
The author’s name or affiliation should not appear anywhere else in body of manuscript, because we follow blind peer review process.
Every manusript should be labeled as: A research paper or Case comments or A book review, etc.
The actual paper should commence from the second page containing the title followed by the abstract (not exceeding 100 words and adequately describing the work and its significance), then four to five keywords and the main document.
3. Tables (if any) should be numbered consecutively. Title of the table should appear above the table and sources at the bottom.
4. The bibliographic details of all works cited in the manuscript must be given separately. References and citations should be complete in all respects and arranged in alphabetical order.
Citations of the law related works are to be given as per the format of Indian Law Institute. Full details available HERE.
For keeping uniformity in references (in social sciences), use p. for single page reference and pp. for multiple page references.
The web references must keep the detail about the date last accessed.For more details of referencing style, see at the end of these instructions.
5. Only works which have not been published earlier or which are not being considered for publications elsewhere will be entertained. A declaration in separate to this effect duely signed by corresponding author must be sent along with the covering letter.
6. The review process takes at least 3-4 months. Manuscripts not accepted for publication will not be sent back to contributors. The manuscripts lacking the recommended pattern and style may be rejected on this ground also.
The decision of Editorial Board is final and will be informed through e-mail only thus it is obligatory for the contributors to provide their e-mail addresses for correspondence.
7. Although articles shall be subject to rigorous editing process. The accuracy of quotations, titles, names, dates, charts, tables and footnotes is the sole responsibility of the author(s).
8. A copyright of the articles and other contributions published in UILS Law Review is vested with the UILS.
9. Contributions to the journal should be e-mailed to the and hard copy in duplicate to the Editor, UILS Law Review, University Institute of Legal Studies, Sector 14, Panjab University, Chandigarh. Both the hard and the soft copy of the manuscript must be sent.