Call for Papers: UILS International Conference on Mediation and Negotiation [Nov 12-13, Chandigarh]: Submit by Sept 10

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Call for Papers: UILS International Conference on Mediation and Negotiation [Nov 12-13, Chandigarh]: Submit by Sept 10

Call for Papers

Original contributions from researchers describing their original, unpublished, research contribution which is not currently under review by another conference or journal and addressing state-of-the art research are invited to share their work in all areas of Dispute Resolution and its applications in the field of law and other interdisciplinary subjects.


The international conference is based on the theme “Mediation and Negotiation as Emerging Trend of Dispute Resolution Mechanism” covering the following sub-themes mentioned below:

Mediation and Negotiation in resolving Intellectual Property Rights

Mediation and Negotiation in resolving Corporate Disputes

Mediation and Negotiation in resolving Personal Disputes

Mediation and Negotiation in resolving Employment Disputes

Mediation and Negotiation in resolving Mass Torts

Mediation Techniques

Cross-Cultural Conflict and Dispute Resolution

Online Dispute Resolution Mechanism

Submission Procedure

The applicants should follow the guidelines mentioned below for the submissions of the manuscript:

The manuscript should be provided with an abstract of 80-100 words.

The soft copy of the abstract should be mailed at

Mention at least five key words below the abstract.

The manuscript should not be exceeding a word limit of 6000 words and should be of 8-10 pages in length.

Author(s) description describing current designation, affiliation and specialization should be provided in the manuscript.

The manuscript must be mailed alongwith your reigstration form to

The length of paper can be requested to increase or decrease depending upon publisher conditions.

The plagiarism policy will be as per the publisher’s requirement.

Registration Procedure

Deadline of Abstract submission: 10th September, 2017

Notification of acceptance of abstract: 20th September, 2017

Deadline of submission of papers: 10th October, 2017

Notification of acceptance: 25th October, 2017

Final schedule: 7th November 2017

Conference: 12th and 13th November 2017

Registration Charges
Professionals Rs. 3000/-
Academicians Rs. 2000/-
Research Scholars Rs. 1500/-
Students Rs. 1000/-

Note: The registration fee will not include accommodation and travel expenses.

To register, click HERE.


University Institute of Legal Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh-160014


In case of any queries, kindly contact the persons mentioned below:

Dr. Rajinder Kaur, Coordinator-Centre for Trade Laws and Dispute Resolution (Conference Coordinator) – +91-9888020030

Dr. Bharat, Deputy Coordinator-Centre for Trade Laws and Dispute Resolution (Conference Convener) – +91-9465228800

Mr. Subhash Chander Chalotra (Technical Committee Head) – +91-9915173350

Mr. Saurav Khanna (Student Committee Head) – +91-9781995412

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