Call for Papers:
SVKMs PGCL Mumbai:
Conference on RE-INVENTING LEGAL EDUCATION IN INDIA ; 23rd March 2019
Pravin Gandhi College of Law, Mumbai
The model of legal education in India is oriented to the requirements of the litigating lawyer and judiciary making advocacy skills and sound theoretical knowledge the main areas of focus. Institutions imparting legal education have been experimenting with curriculum and teaching methods with the objective of bridging the gap between classroom teaching and legal employability without diluting the standards of legal education. Bar–bench–academia linkage, clinical and experiential legal education, industry–academia partnerships, community partnerships and outreach programmes are some of the bridging responses limited to addressing certain facets of the multifocal problem. The reforms in legal education have been oriented towards transforming general legal education into a professional suited to the current market demands
Academicians and those pursuing doctorate programs in any field, research scholars, lawyers, educationalists, policy makers in the field of legal education and students of law are invited to submit their papers on the given sub-themes or on allied topics. The papers will be subject to a blind peer review committee for selection. Students from any field can attend the conference. Certificates will be awarded to both paper presenters as well as participants.
Selected research papers will be published in an ISBN publication.
We invite unpublished, quality research papers on the following sub-themes:
Legal education in India
Legal education system
Continuous legal education
Careers in Law
Legal Education and Society
Roadmap Ahead
This list is indicative and papers on allied topics are welcome.
- Original, unpublished papers must be submitted that may be on empirical, doctrinal, theoretical, or case study basis.
- An abstract of not more than 500 word with not more than six key words has to be submitted along with a separate cover page containing: Title of the paper, Name of the author/ co-author(s), designation, institution, postal address, contact number and email id. Abstract must contain a list of references.
- Word limit for full length papers: 6000 words
- Word limit for short articles: 3000 words
- Citation style: Harvard Bluebook 19th Ed. Please click on link to access the guide CLICK HERE
- Papers must be in MS-Word (.doc or .docx formats), A4 size, with 1 inch margins, Font size 12, Footnotes 10; Font type: Times New Roman; Line spacing 1.5
- Soft copies of the Research Paper should be submitted at
- For paper submissions, payment has to be made only after selection of abstract.
- All Papers will be reviewed by a panel of eminent experts and selected entries will be published in a book with an ISBN number.
- In case of non-selection of paper, the registration fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.
- Only those papers that qualify through peer review and meet standards of publication will be published.
- TA/DA and accommodation will not be provided
- The conference schedule will be e-mailed by the first week of March, 2019.
Mode of Payment:
- DD/Pay Order in favour of Pravin Gandhi College of Law payable at Mumbai.
- Cash at college counter.
- Online Payment to Pravin Gandhi College of Law, DENA Bank, Juhu Vile Parle Branch, Mumbai. Current A/c: 013111001690; IFSC Code: BKDN 0460131
Registration Fee
Single authors | SVKM students and faculty
1500 |
Outside SVKM
1800 (including GST) |
Co-authored papers | 2000 | 2400 ( including GST) |
Participation for Students | SVKM students
500 |
Outside students
800 |
Participation for Professionals | SVKM employees
1000 |
1200 |
Spot registrations will be opened if seats are available |
For Registration forms:
Click on link below: CLICK HERE
For official notification: CLICK HERE
Call for Abstracts | January 30th , 2019 |
Confirmation of Selection of Abstracts through e-mail. | February 15th, 2019 |
Last Date for Registration | March 10th , 2019 |
Final Submission of Research Papers | February 25th , 2019 |
Date of the Conference | March 23rd , 2019 |
Asst. Prof. Ms. Anju Singh – 9819106956;
Asst. Prof. Ms. Apurva Thakur – 9765421775;
Asst. Prof. Ms. Vidya Tewani – 9930781192;
All queries regarding the rules or guidelines should be submitted at