Call for Papers:
Rajasthan Science Congress @ Amity University, Jaipur [Oct 13-15]:
Submit by Sep 30
The 5th Rajasthan Science Congress is being organized by Amity University from October 13-15. In the same Endeavor Amity Law School is organizing a three days conference on various themes relating to Sustainable development of the state of Rajasthan and role of strong institutions in maintaining peace, security and imparting Justice.
The Conference purports to give opportunity to strengthen and to develop the new understanding of Sustainable Development especially for the state of Rajasthan and to create a platform for constructive discussion on Strong Institutions which are responsible for law in action to maintain peace and justice.
Academicians, Research scholars, Students, Entrepreneurs, Corporate Personals and Professionals from Legal fraternity and other social science disciplines are encouraged to foster long term dialogues on the various themes and sub themes of the Conference.
Call for Papers:
This three day conference offers a platform for scholarly discussions among the experts/ academicians/Research scholars/ students and corporate delegates on various aspects/sub themes of Sustainable development.
Papers – theoretical, empirical or case studies, on various aspects of sustainable development as given below are invited.
Theme 1: Sustainable Development across the globe/international scenario
- Nexus between Science, Technology and Sustainable development
- International laws/conventions/protocols and Environment
- Regulatory Mechanisms for Peace and disputes across the globe
- Role and contribution of various strong Institutions across the globe
Theme 2: Sustainable Development in India and the State of Rajasthan
- Scope of Sustainable development in India and Rajasthan
- Legal aspects and procedures in Sustainable Development
- Peace, Justice and role of Strong Institutions like Green Tribunal, NGO’s and other
bodies. - Adjudication
Theme 3: Sustainable Development and Environment
- Environment Pollution/ Globalization/ Ecological balance
- Global warming, Climate change and Legal responses
- Environment, Ethics and Sustainable development
- Environment protection and sustainable development
- Water, air and environment pollution, Forest Conservation
- Laws on protection of forest and wildlife
Theme 4: Constitution of India and Sustainable Development
- Right to life, liberty and freedom of expression
- Right to wholesome environment
- Right to Health
- Writ jurisdiction and Sustainable development
Theme 5: Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Role and Contribution of Corporate in Sustainable development of India
- Company law and provisions of CSR
- Protection of Environment under the purview of Sustainable Environment Protection and CSR
Theme 6: Sustainable Development and Intellectual Property Rights
- Development of Traditional knowledge, Geographical Indication
- Intellectual Property Rights and sustainable development
- Role of government and other authorities in development of Intellectual Property
Abstract submission:
- Abstracts should be not more than 500 words and not less than 250 words. Please
send your submission to: - Please mention the track name and theme in the form.
Full Paper submission:
Based on the acceptance of abstract, full paper is to be sent in following format.
- Single column; A4 size; 1.5 line spacing; Times New Roman (12pts)
- Paper not to be exceed 10 pages including all references, tables and figures.
- Paper to contain the title, Author’s Name and Affiliation(s) with complete contact address
- Papers should be written exclusively for the Seminar and should not have been published or sent for publication elsewhere.
Details | Registration Amount (Indian) | Registration Amount (Foreigner) |
Research scholars/ Students (UG/PG) | ₹500 | $50 |
Academicians and Corporate Delegates | ₹1000 | $100 |
From Industry | ₹2000 | $150 |
The registration form is available at this link.
The filled registration form is to be sent to
The bank details for online fee payment are as follows.
Bank Name & Address:
Axis Bank Ltd.
O-15, Green House, Ashok Marg,
C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001(Raj)
Branch Name /IFSC Code: Jaipur Main / UTIB0000010
Swift Code: AXISINBB010
Account No: 010010100496797
MICR No.: 302211002
Type of Account: Savings
Alternatively, payment can also be made by DD in favour of “Registrar, Amity University Rajasthan”, payable at Jaipur.
Dr. Nitesh Saraswat, Associate Professor, Amity law School, Amity University, Jaipur
Email:, Mob: 9828389503
Dr. Rajni Parmar, Associate professor, Amity law School, Amity University, Jaipur
Email:, Mob: 9309360600
For full details, view the conference brochure given here and visit the official website by clicking here.