Call for Papers: NLUO’s Journal on Rights of the Child: Deadline: 20th April 2017

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Call for Papers: NLUO’s Journal on Rights of the Child: Deadline: 20th April 2017

In  view  of  the  enthusiastic  response  for  the  Special  Issue  on  Rights  of  the  Child  of NLUO Law Journal (Volume III), Centre for Rights of the Child of National Law University Odisha has decided to bring out a separate journal on Rights of the Child.

The journal would have two issues in a year.

This Year Editorial Board of the journal decided to invites scholarly  papers,  book  reviews,  case  comments,  movie  reviews  on special issues  relating  to  “Child Labour”. Journal on Rights of the Child aims to encourage interdisciplinary discussion on welfare of children.

Submission themes:

Articles on themes concerning welfare of children are invited. However, articles   from disciplines other than law are also welcomed. All articles, book reviews and case  comments should be original and not published elsewhere.

If any article   has   been   accepted for   publication   elsewhere while   under consideration  for  publication  in  the  Journal  on  Rights  of  the  Child,  author  should  inform immediately if she/he wants to withdraw the article.

Submission Mode: 

An abstract of 150 to 300 words should also be submitted along with articles and comments.  Original unpublished writings by teachers, students, lawyers, professionals etc. are welcomed and can be submitted at

Submission Guidelines:

Given below are the word limits for the three categories of writings

  • Articles– 5000-8000 words
  • Book Review-2000-3000 words
  • Notes/comments and case comments -2000-4000 word

Last date for submission:

20th April, 2017

Contact Us:

For any queries:

Please Contact: Mr. Ramakrishna Das. P.R, Assistant Professor


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