Call for Papers: NIAS’ Conference on Contemporary Challenges to Indian State and Society [15th-17th November]: Deadline: 15 April 2017

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NIAS’ Conference on Contemporary Challenges to Indian State and Society

About National Institute of Advanced Studies:

The National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) was conceived and founded in 1988 by the late Mr. J. R. D. Tata, who sought to create an institution to conduct advanced multidisciplinary research.

Housed in a picturesque green campus in Bangalore the Institute serves as a forum to bring together individuals from diverse intellectual backgrounds.

They include administrators and managers from industry and government, leaders in public affairs, eminent individuals in different walks of life, and academicians from different disciplines.

About Christ University:

Christ University was born out of the educational vision of St Kuriakose Elias Chavara, an educationalist and social reformer of the nineteenth century in southern India.

Themes and Sub-Themes:

  • Education and New Pedagogy

❖ Addressing Inter-group Conflict: Re-looking at History Pedagogy for Peace

❖ Identity, Pedagogy and Universities in India

❖ Diversity and Pedagogy Reforms in Indian Classrooms

❖ Traditional Knowledge and its Relevance for the New Pedagogy

  • Internal Conflicts and Challenges

❖ Left-Wing Extremism – the Maoist Conflict

❖ Youth Radicalisation

❖ Religious Fundamentalism

❖ Ethnic Conflicts in Northeast India

  • External Security Challenges

❖ External Sources of Threats and Challenges to India’s Security

❖ Nuclear Proliferation and India: Trends and Challenges

❖ Space, Technology and India’s Security

❖ Geopolitics and Conflict over Natural Resources, Including Conflict over Marine Fisheries

❖ Energy Security Challenges

❖ Cybercrime and Cyber Security Challenges

  • Anthropological Approaches to the Understanding of State and Everyday Life in India

❖ The State and Local Structures of Power

❖ Governance and the Imagined State

❖ Contesting Power, Resistance and Everyday Social Relations

❖ State, Democracy and the Promise of Civil Society

  • Urbanisation of Wildlife and Conservation of India’s Natural Heritage

❖ Urbanisation of Wildlife and Loss of Our National Heritage

❖ Wildlife in Anthropogenic Landscapes: Coexistence and Conservation

❖ Urban Wildlife: Understanding and Governing Nonhumans in Indian Cities

  • Archaeology, Material Culture and Heritage Science

❖ Material Culture

❖ Landscape Archaeology

❖ Tangible Built Heritage

❖ Intangible Crafts Heritage

Call for Abstracts and Papers:

We invite abstracts for paper and poster presentations at the Conference. All manuscripts should be original and unpublished.

Although one author can have multiple submissions, each of which can have more than one contributor, each contributor can be the first author of only one submission. The paper must be presented by one of the authors.

All manuscripts would be subject to scrutiny by expert committees and only selected papers and posters would be presented during the Conference.

A soft copy of the abstract, in approximately 750 words, APA format and only in MS Word, should be emailed to by April 15, 2017.

Kindly include a brief profile of the author/s with E-mail IDs, addresses and contact numbers. Please specify whether the abstract is for a paper or poster presentation and the specific theme and subtheme under which it should be considered.

The final manuscript of approximately 5000 words in the APA format must be submitted by September 15, 2017. Certain selected papers would be considered for a subsequent joint publication by the two organising institutions.

Conference Date and Venue:

The First International Conference on Contemporary Challenges to Indian State and Society will be held on November 15-17, 2017 at Christ University, Hosur Road, Bengaluru, India.

Important Dates:

  • April 15, 2017: Submission of abstracts
  • May 15, 2017: Notification of shortlisted authors
  • September 15, 2017: Submission of complete manuscripts
  • November 15, 16, 17, 2017: First International Conference on Contemporary Challenges to Indian State and Society


Rs. 1500/-

E-mail Id:

For further details Click Here


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