Call for Papers
International Review of Human Rights Law.
Submit by 24 August 2016
The International Review of Human Rights Law is an annual, online and open-access law journal. The journal is an effort to address human rights issues around the world. The journalaccepts original scholarly works on all human rights issues by practitioners, academics and students. The papers can be in the form of articles, case notes, book reviews and responses. The journal encourages a comparative and empirical analysis of the human rights issues.
The International Review of Human Rights Law was assigned International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 2455 – 8648 on 19 April 2016. The assignment was made via email confirmation letter (reference number: NSL/ISSN/INF/2016/513).
After publication of the Inaugural Issue on 26 January 2016, the journal invites submissions for its Second Issue. The Second Issue will be released in February 2017. The last date of submission is 24 August 2016. Please find below the submission guidelines.
IRHRL Submission Guidelines:
- Submissions must be made via email. Please send manuscript to
- Use Times New Roman as font theme, 12 as font size and1.5 line spacing.For footnotes use Times New Roman as font theme,10 as font size and single spacing.
- The submissions can be in the form of Articles, Case Notes, Book Reviews and Responses to scholarly works published in law reviews or books.
- Length of Submissions (inclusive of footnotes):
- Article – 6000 – 10000 words
- Case Note – 2500 – 3000 words
- Book Review – 2000 – 3500 words
- Response – 3500 – 4000 words
Please provide keywords in the submissions. The submissions must contain an abstract of 200 words in total.The submissions must be accompanied by a covering letter containing academic qualifications of the author/authors in brief. Authorship of papers is limited to two authors. Name of the author/authors must not be provided inthe submissions. The journal accepts Bluebook 19th edition, OSCOLA 4th edition and the Citation Guidelines of the journal. The submissions should be made in MS Word format (.doc).
- The submissions must not infringe copyright or any other rights of any third parties. The submissions must not contain any obscene, defamatory or discriminatory material. The author/authors will indemnify the journal in case of any infringement.
IRHRL Review Process:
The Editorial Board will promptly acknowledge receipt ofthe submissions. Decision on acceptanceof the submissions will be communicated to the author/authors within 15 days from the date of submissions. The Editorial Board will review submissions carefully on criteria of scope, content, structure, research, analysis, creativity, accomplishment of paper’s purpose and inclusion of counter-arguments in thesubmissions. The submissions will be rejected if they are plagiarized. All communications will be through email only.
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