Call for Papers: Healthcare | RGNUL Student Research Review | Revised Abstract Submission: 15th December 2019 [UPDATED]

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Call for Papers: Healthcare | RGNUL Student Research Review | Revised Abstract Submission: 15th December 2019 [UPDATED]

About RSRR

RGNUL Student Research Review (RSRR) is a bi-annual, student-run, blind peer-reviewed legal journal based at Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab. The recent Volumes of the Journal have been published by the Eastern Book Company beginning in 2014. The RSRR Blog was established in 2017 as a medium of voicing opinions and sparking discussions. The RSRR Journal aims to publish comprehensive treatments of subjects from academicians, practitioners, legal luminaries and students.

The Editorial Board invites submissions for the RSRR Journal for Volume 6, Issue 1 on “Healthcare in India: Tracing the Contours of a Transitioning Regime” in collaboration with the Medical Students Association of India (MSAI) and Arogya Legal.


Healthcare system is akin to an oiled machine driving the wheels of growth. It is not only necessary for the expansion of the economy but also for its sustenance and survival. In the absence of accessible healthcare, the entire workforce of a nation can be rendered handicapped. A sound healthcare system ensures less financial burden on both the citizens and the exchequer, and the constant availability of an active workforce, resulting in a mushrooming economy.

The policies framed in pursuit of effective provision of healthcare play a crucial role in the growth of this sector. The recent actions taken by the government include the ‘Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana’, the National Medical Commission Act, 2019 and the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017. Certain steps are yet to materialize and they include bills like the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine Bill, 2019, the National Commission for Homoeopathy Bill, 2019 and the Allied and Healthcare Professions Bill, 2018 and the Right to Health Bill has also been tabled in the State of Rajasthan. Thus, the present call for papers aims at encouraging authors to answer important questions germane to this field and to provide constructive solutions for the same.


  1. A critical analysis of recent legislations and bill

a)DNA Technology (Use and Application) Bill

b)The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019

c)Electronic Cigarettes (Production, Manufacture, Import, Export, Transport, Sale, Distribution, Storage and Advertisement) Bill, 2019

d)New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019

2. National Medical Commission: A panacea reforming Medical Education?

3. Ayushman Bharat:

a) A transnational analysis of Insurance based Schemes

b) Sustainability of the Scheme

4. Mental Healthcare

a) Mental Healthcare Act, 2017: A Critical Analysis

b) International Approach towards providing Mental Healthcare

5. Need for a “Right to Health” Act

6. Technology in Healthcare:

a)I. in Healthcare: Who is liable when the doctor is a software?

b)Digitization of Healthcare records – Electronic Health Record Standards, 2017 and the way forward

c)Regulatory framework for Medical Devices to ensure Safety, Quality and Effectiveness- Examination of shortcomings of current framework and making recommendations to NITI Aayog

d)Telemedicine- Legal challenges and opportunities in India

e)Regulation of Health Tracking Wearables in India – What we can learn from Other Countries

f)Regulating Advertisements of Medicines in the times of Social Media – Is a complete ban justified?

g)Robotic Surgeries – Legal limitations and possibilities

h)Genetically modified children- Should Unequals be treated Equally? Regulation and Challenges

i)3D Printing of Organs – How should Law Shape Up?

7. Foreign Investment in Healthcare Industry – Cause for Concern or Much-Needed Fillip? Where to Draw the Line?

8. Role of NGOs/Social activists as Primary and Secondary Healthcare Providers

9. Comparative Legal Analysis of Different Healthcare Systems with India

10. Federalism and Healthcare in India

11. India as a Centre for Medical Tourism: Regulatory Approaches and Potential

12. Implementation issues in Primary Healthcare

13. Healthcare and Medicine

a)Right to Effective Medicines

b)Balancing the IPR and Accessibility issues in the Pharmaceutical Sector

c)Regulating the Prices of Healthcare- the Karnataka experience and Way Forward

d)Regulating Prices of Medicines- How Much is too Much?

14. Interplay between Medical Ethics and Legal Jurisprudence

15. Protecting Personal Patient Data- Patients Hate Pesky Calls but Marketers love it- Need, Concerns and Way Forward

16. Genetically Modified Food- Opportunities and Challenges- a Legal perspective

17. Unethical Marketing Practices and Doctor Interaction- Shortcomings in Indian Law

Please note that the above-mentioned sub-themes are not exhaustive and the authors are free to write upon any other sub-theme provided it falls within the broad ambit of this journal‘s theme.

Submission Guidelines and Instructions for Authors

The RSRR invites papers under the following categories:

  • Articles (5,000 to 10,000 words)
  • Short Notes (3,000 to 8,000 words)
  • Case Comments (3,000 to 5,000 words)
  • Normative Law Articles (3,000 to 5,000 words)


  • All submissions must be in Garamond, font size 12, spacing 1.5.
  • All footnotes should be in Garamond 10, single-spaced and should conform to the Standard Indian Legal Citation (Get your free copy from  CLICK HERE  ).
  • Margins: Left 1.5 Inch, Right 1 Inch, Top 1 Inch and Bottom 1 Inch.
  • All the word limits are exclusive of footnotes.
  • All submissions must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 10% of the word limit subject to a maximum of 200-250 words and the same shall be governed by the general submission guidelines [submitted latest by November 20, 2019].
  • The paper should be accompanied by a cover letter specifying the author’s name, designation, institute, contact number, and e-mail for future reference [Participants are requested to not put their name anywhere in the main paper].
  • All entries should be submitted in .doc or .docx format.
  • The papers must be e-mailed to   ,with the subject “Submission for Volume 6 Issue 1– Type of Submission (Article/ Short Note/ Case Comment/ Normative Law Articles)”.
  • Co-authorship is allowed up to 2 authors.
  • The author(s) bear sole responsibility for the accuracy of facts, opinions or views stated 
in the submitted paper.
  • In the case of gross plagiarism found in the contents of submitted paper, the 
paper shall be subject to rejection.
  • The RSRR Journal shall retain all the copyrights arising out of any publication and only the moral rights will vest with the author.

Abstract Submission

Interested authors must submit an abstract of not more than 200-250 words accompanied with a covering letter specifying the author’s name, designation, institute, contact number and email for future reference. The general submission guidelines shall also govern the abstract submission. The last date for the submission of abstracts is 15th December, 2019.

Submission Deadline

The last date for submissions is 15th January, 2020 by 11:59 P.M. (Indian Standard Time). For the detailed Call for Papers, the interested authors may kindly peruse the PDF here CLICK HERE 


RSRR’s website can be accessed at CLICK HERE 

Previous Volumes of the Journal can be accessed at CLICK HERE 

For any further queries, contact the Editorial Board at

Furthermore, the Editors-in-Chief can be contacted:

  • Aryan Babele (9926041054)
  • Shrey Nautiyal (7988767598)
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