Call for Papers: Amity International Journal of Juridical Sciences(AIJJS). Deadline: February 15, 2017

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Call for Papers

Amity International Journal of Juridical Sciences(AIJJS).

Deadline: February 15, 2017


Call for Papers




AMITY INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF JURIDICAL SCIENCES (AIJJS), is peer reviewed Journal published bi-annually by the Amity Law School(II), Amity University, Noida. It is a faculty run bi-Annual Refereed Journal whose primary objective is to serve an important academic forum for legal scholarship on any matters. The AIIJS, will promote reflective thinking by providing a socially relevant legal knowledge. This review is an earnest attempt to provide an effective research tool by sparking scholastic conversation among a diverse group of academicians, judges, jurists, practitioners, students, activists, scholars and prominent thinkers.

The review will publish scholarly articles, comments on recent decisions by courts, short notes, legislative analysis and solicit reviews of latest books from renowned connoisseurs of law. All submissions will undergo a rigorous editorial process devised to hone and strengthen tone and substance.

Guidelines for Submissions:

  • Submissions should be in Times New Roman, font of size 12 with 1.5 line spacing, justified text and 1 inch margins on all sides of A4 sheet. (page number)
  • Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, font of size 10 with 1.0 line spacing. Endnotes are not allowed.
  • Submissions must be emailed at (preferably in .docx format) alongwith a covering letter .The covering letter should include the author’s contact information and a short abstract (250-300 words) that outlines the main questions or themes addressed in the paper.
  • Authors shall be required to submit an author profile, post submission of 200 words before their contribution can be considered for publication.
  • The submission must be the original work of the authors. Any form of plagiarism will lead to disqualification.
  • Submitted entries must not have been sent for consideration at any other place for presentation or publication.
  • Co-authorship is allowed. Maximum number of Co-author for a submission shall only be one.
  • Authors should provide their contact details, designation and institutional affiliation in the covering letter for the submission.
  • Footnotes must conform to the Standard Indian Legal Citation Manual (SILC), Rules of legal citation (Latest edition attached).
  • Copyright of all entries shall exclusively vest with Amity Law School (II), Noida The submission would imply that the author has assigned such rights to Amity Law School (II), Noida Dates All submissions will go through an


All submissions will go through an initial round of scrutiny and shortlisted contributors will be informed by March 1, 2017.


The Last date for the submission: February 15, 2017


For any other queries drop a mail at –


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