Call for Submissions @ Legge Rhythms. Last Date for Submission: June 15, 2016.
For your kind reference, short details of the program are as follows:
Call for Submissions
Legality and the concept of Law have been given various definitions. But, what constitutes a Lawyer or a scholar of Law? Perhaps, Lawyers form that medium through which different perspectives travel. They are a voice that speaks of the various stories that remain unheard or untold. Under the circumstances, the Legal Fraternity plays an extremely crucial role in terms of taking our society and its thought process forward. Keeping in mind, this basic idea about the intellectual space that the legal community holds, Legge Rhythms is inviting unique contributions for publication in their maiden journal of Law. Even though, we are a legal journal, the subjects are not narrowly confined to just static Legal provisions. Researchers are free to nurture Law under different perspectives of Politics, Society, Economics, Science, International Relations and others. We believe that every element to this world has bit legality in itself. This Journal aims to bring out those very shades and perceptions about Law that exist within each one of us. Let’s unshackle Law from the stereotypical boring boundaries of rote learning and repeating established norms. Instead, we invite fresher ideas and analysis about varied thought processes that would give a dimension to the futuristic aspects of Law.
Researchers are requested to please feel free to engage themselves in higher levels of written discourse and fearless writing.
All submissions must be original and unpublished.
Note: The first edition of the journal will not have an ISSN as we have only applied for the same. The ISSN would be granted after the 1st Edition.
General Guidelines:
Font: Times New Roman
Font Size: 14 for Headings, 12 for the Body and 10 for the footnotes.
Citation: Any one established style to be followed throughout the paper.
Word Limit: Essays: 2000 Words including Footnotes
Research Papers: 4000 Words including footnotes
Short Article: 500-2000 Words excluding footnotes
Film Reviews/ Theatre Reviews: 1500
Editorial board has right to make any changes.
An abstract of maximum 200 words along with 5 keywords should be attached with the paper.
Last Date for Submission: June 15, 2016
We also welcome, Poetry, theatre scripts or caricatures and cartoons or any other piece of Art work with satirical or direct reference to any legal issue that has a refreshing message to provide.
For Further queries, please contact:
Ujjaini Chatterji
Head, Publications, Legge Rhythms
Write to us at
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