Call for Submissions for law students by Stanford Environmental Law Review: Rolling Submissions

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The journal is run, compiled, and edited entirely by Stanford Law School students. ELJ publishes articles, and sometimes essays, on timely and important issues in natural resources law, environmental policy, law and economics, international environmental law, and other topics relating to law and the environment.

Eligibility Criteria

ELJ solicits submissions from academics, practitioners, and others; it also accepts student articles and notes. ELJ publishes in January and June.


ELJ publishes timely and important issues in the following topics:

  • Natural resources law
  • Environmental policy, law, and economics
  • International environmental law
  • And other topics relating to law and the environment.

Submission Procedure

  • ELJ only accepts electronic submissions (via email or Scholastica), preferably in Microsoft Word format. Please direct all email submissions to our Article Review Board Chair.
  • While Microsoft Word format is strongly recommended by ELJ, a Word Perfect format will not be disqualified. However, their editing process takes place entirely electronically using Microsoft Word; if ELJ accepts your article, they will send you edited drafts and expect you to return revised drafts, in Word.
  • For a description of how the articles are evaluated and the qualities they look for in submissions, please review the Article Selection Process.
  • Please submit your work to

Relevant Links and Contacts

Further Details

Official Website

For further clarity one may reach out to the following:-

Environmental Law Journal
Stanford Law School
559 Nathan Abbott Way Stanford, CA 94305-8610


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