The Students for Liberty Student Chapter at the Department of Law, University of Calcutta is now accepting submissions for its Article 19 Project Blog.
About the Chapter
The Students for Liberty Chapter at the Faculty of Law, University of Calcutta is a non-partisan network of legal professionals and students committed to expanding the ideas of individual liberty, freedom of expression and the rule of law.
About the Article 19 Project
The Article 19 Project of the Students for Liberty Student Chapter at the Department of Law, University of Calcutta on Article 19 is an initiative on inalienable and fundamental rights enshrined in Article 19 of the Constitution of India and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
Article 19 of the Constitution of India provides for the fundamental freedoms of speech, expression, press, assembly, association, movement, residence, practice of profession and occupation or business. Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights enumerates the right to freedom of opinion and expression; including freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers as inalienable to and inseparable from human existence.
As part of the Project, the Chapter runs a Blog dedicated to fostering scholarship on contemporary and historical issues and perspectives on the nature and substance of legally enumerated liberties enshrined in Article 19 of the Indian Constitution and the UDHR, analysing its interface with society and politics, at large.
Blog Submission Guidelines
The Chapter invites submissions on a rolling basis throughout the year from legal professionals, law students and others interested in contributing to the existing discourse on liberties enumerated in Article 19 of the Indian Constitution and UDHR.
Authors are expected to conform to established standards of academic writing, including but not limited to a definitive research methodology, epistemological and/or systematic analysis of issue(s) and a discernible objective-oriented approach. Submissions addressing issue(s) of contemporary relevance, providing a holistic understanding of its subject-matter and adopting comparative/sociological perspectives are given preference.
Authors are required to heed to the following submission guidelines:
- The submission should be an unpublished original work.
- The Blog, as per standard editorial policy, does not accept submissions beyond a 2500 word limit, exclusive of footnotes. Such word limit requirements may be waived subject to the quality of the submission and the discretion of the Chapter’s Editorial Board, on a case-by-case basis.
- All footnotes provided in the submission must conform to the standards provided in the 19th Edition Harvard Bluebook.
- All submissions must be e-mailed to the Chapter at attached as a Microsoft Word Document (.docx) format, bearing the subject: “Submission for Article 19 Project Blog“
- Disclaimer: The Chapter is vested with the binding and final authority to accept, reject or accept any submission with or without reasonable revisions.
Contact Info
E-mail ID:
The website link, here.