Call for Papers: The Indian Journal of Law and Public Policy for Law Students. No Fee, Submit by 5th March, 2021

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7th Volume, Issue 2. [ISSN 2394-2657]
Indian Journal of Law and Public Policy (IJLPP) is a student reviewed bi-annual, law and public policy publication. The journal is a solemn effort to promote erudite discernment and academic scholarship over the contradictions which have given way for a continuing debate between the relationship of law and public policy. It seeks to create a platform where there is a flow of ideas and thoughts regarding issues mutually relating to law and public policy.

Themes and Sub-Themes
The Indian Journal of Law and Public Policy invites submissions for Volume 7 Issue II of the journal.

For this issue the journal shall be accepting papers based on the theme of Public Policy in Contemporary India consisting of sub-themes (See, Official Call for Papers by IJLPP for sub-themes)

Categories of Submissions (Word Limits exclusive of footnotes)
Long Articles (5000-7000 words): In this category of submissions, the journal expects a detailed analysis of the issue(s) undertaken by the author, to the extent of a detailed analysis of the surrounding legal scenario at domestic and international levels and/or cross-jurisdictional analysis, and concrete conclusions and suggestions (through a reform oriented research methodology), indicating a specific way forward.

Short Articles (3000-5000 words): In this category of submissions, the journal expects analysis of contemporary legal issues from single or multiple legal perspectives, i.e. a detailed examination of legal developments and/or happenings (which may involve legislative enactments, jurisprudential developments by judicial developments) using single or multiple legal perspectives as (a) basis. In this category, if at all an author attempts to analyse debatable issues, i.e. issues that could be addressed through two perspectives of being justified or not justified, authors are encouraged to employ multilateral perspectives for the purposes of analysis, and then provide a conclusion in furtherance of such analysis.

Case Comments (1500-2500 words): In this category of submissions, the journal expects detailed analysis of judgements, and the submission revolving around a critical analysis/comment of the case being commented on. The analysis should be much more than a brief of the case details, and look at the judgement from surrounding and stakeholding laws. Much like the previous category, in the process of case comments, authors are expected to critically comment by looking into the judicial mindset behind the judgement, and then commenting on its benefits or shortcomings.

General Instructions for Authors
The work submitted shall be original and unpublished;
The journal does not accept articles plagiarized beyond 20% or more than 7 instances (each involving 32 words), whichever is less;
A Maximum Co-Authorship of two authors is allowed;

Citation: The Citation style should be in consonance with Harvard Blue Book, 20th Edition. Speaking footnotes and endnotes are discouraged.
The copyright of the entry to the Journal will rest with the Editorial Board once the entry has been selected and the authors (s) of the same have been notified.
The final decision as to the acceptance of manuscripts rests with the Editorial Board.
The Font of the paper shall be Times New Roman, Font Size 12, Line Spacing 1.5 for the Body and Times New Roman, Font Size 10, Line Spacing 1 for Footnotes.

Submission Guidelines
All the Articles, Short Articles, and Case Commentaries being contributed for the IJLPP are to be sent to
The manuscript must not contain any indication of the identity of the author.
The entries should reach the given email id before 5:00 PM, 5th March 2021.
Entry should be in either ‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’ format.
A cover letter in either ‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’ format, mentioning the name, contact numbers, name of the institution, name of the university should be attached SEPARATELY along with the article itself in the same mail.

The subject of the mail should be: “Submission for Volume 7 Issue II”.
An e-mail confirming the receipt of the entry and subsequently notifying selected works of the author (s) will be sent.

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