- The National University of Advanced Legal Studies is a public law school and a National Law University located in Kochi, India.
- The Centre for Law and Development (CLD) is a Research Centre at the National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kochi (NUALS, Kochi). The CLD NUALS Securities Law e-Newsletter is a leading online newsletter in the space of Capital Markets and Securities Law.
- It features articles, case notes, and opinions by members of the legal fraternity in the field of Capital Markets and Securities Law. The e-Newsletter also provides updates on the legal and regulatory developments in the area.
- CLD NUALS Securities Law e-Newsletter is inviting submissions for its XIV Volume to be published in January 2023.
Contributions to the e-Newsletter are welcome from all academicians, practitioners, and law students.
- The submission must be an original work of the writer(s) within the broader theme of contemporary issue(s) in capital markets and securities law.
- Submissions with critical analysis of legal issues along with possible solutions to tackle the issue will be given preference.
Submission Rules
- The word limit for the manuscript is 1000 to 1500 (excluding footnotes).
- Manuscripts may contain hyperlinks (restricted to only official sources /government websites).
- Footnotes should be avoided and kept to a bare minimum (if necessary).·
- The manuscript shall be submitted as a Word Document (.doc/.docx) and must be in Times New Roman font size12, with line spacing of 1.5 for contents and footnotes.
- The topic of the submission and the name of the document containing it shall be the same. It is to be noted that the manuscript should not contain any identification of the author/s, which shall be a ground for rejection of the submission.
- Co-authorship is allowed (maximum 2 authors).
- The selected manuscripts will be published and all the contributions will be acknowledged in the newsletter.
- Plagiarism will lead to the disqualification of the manuscripts.
- Multiple submissions shall lead to the disqualification of the manuscripts, subject to the discretion of the editorial team.
- In order to facilitate an independent, innovative dialogue on securities law and regulatory practice, we invite students as well as professionals to send in their entries to cld@nuals.ac.in.
- The subject of the mail should be ‘Submission for CLD e-Newsletter Edition XIV’. The body of the mail shall contain details of the author/s (full name, year of study, university and contact number). An entry not adhering to the submission guidelines shall not be entertained.
December 15, 2022
Further clarity can be obtained by reaching out to cld@nuals.ac.in
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