NMIMS Law Review is the flagship law journal of Kirit P. Mehta School of Law, NMIMS University, Mumbai. The Editorial Board of the NMIMS Law Review is inviting original and unpublished manuscripts for publication in Volume I.
About the Institute
Kirit P. Mehta School of Law, NMIMS University, Mumbai was established in the year 2013 with an aim of providing quality legal education with a global focus, dedicated towards the advancement of human dignity, social and economic welfare, and justice through knowledge of law.
About the Journal
The NMIMS Law Review is an annual publication comprising scholarly works of renowned academicians and research scholars. It aims to continually raise the bar of academic research and actively contribute to the legal discourse surrounding pertinent questions of law.
It was set up with the objective of publishing high quality original research work through articles and case comments that provide contemporary insight and add value to the scholarship surrounding the Indian legal framework and its comparative discourse.
Theme for Volume I
The NMIMS Law Review welcomes contributions that are original, unpublished and up to date. The authors are not restricted to any particular area of law and submissions of an inter-disciplinary nature analysing contemporary legal issues are encouraged.
Categories for Submission
Submissions may be in the form of:
- Long Article (8000-12000 words): Articles must comprehensively analyse a contemporary legal issue that the author(s) seeks to highlight. Articles would include research articles and theoretical discussions on any theme of law. It must either indicate the lacunae therein or, attempt to suggest possible changes, which can address the said lacunae or alternatively holistically cover the subject matter while offering a critical analysis of the chosen theme.
- Short Article (4000-8000 words): Articles must be concise and condensed in their scope and conceptualisation vis-a-vis long articles. They must challenge existing principles and provide a fresh interpretation of an issue.
Please note the following guidelines before submitting the manuscript.
Submissions are invited from academicians, research scholars and professors from a recognised university. Kindly note that the NMIMS Law Review does not accept submissions from students.
Formatting Requirements
- The manuscript’s title must be on the first text page and must be title of the file.
- Font must be Times New Roman and sized 12 for main text, and 10 for footnotes.
- Line Spacing must be 1.5 for main text and 1.0 for footnotes.
- Alignment must be justified.
- All text, including hyperlinks, must be in black colour only.
We accept footnote citations exclusively. Citations must conform to standards laid in the Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th Edition).
Abstract and Keywords
All manuscripts must contain an abstract of 200-300 words. The abstract length is excluded from the respective submission word limits. The abstract must also contain 5 keywords.
Co-Authorship of up to two authors is permitted.
Submission Format
All submissions must be made via the form here.
All manuscripts must be uploaded in .docx format AND .pdf format.
Submitted manuscripts should not be simultaneously considered by any other publication at the time of submission. The author(s) undertake to inform NMIMS Law Review immediately in case the manuscript under consideration OR published manuscript is under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Deadline for Submission
The last date for submission is January 31, 2021 (11:59 p.m.).
Contact Info
Email ID: lawreview@nmims.edu
The website link is here.