CALL FOR PAPERS: NLSIU e-Journal on Environmental Law Policy and Development [JELPD] welcomes contributions from the law fraternity, as it plans to release its 3rd Issue in January 2016. LAST DATE for Submission: January 15, 2016

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NLSIU e-Journal on Environmental Law Policy and Development [JELPD] : Issue 3, 2016. ISSN (O) 2348-7046


The Journal on Environmental Law, Policy and Development welcomes contributions from the law fraternity, as it plans to release its 3rd Issue in January 2016.

JELPD is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal, jointly published by the
Commons Cell and the Centre for Environmental Law Education, Research and
Advocacy (CEERA), a research wing on Human Rights and Environment, at the
National Law School of India University, Bangalore, on its website

JELPD aims to be a forum that involves, promotes and engages students,
scholars and anyone interested in environmental law, to express and share their
ideas and opinions. The Journal also plans to feature guest articles by eminent
scholars as well as articles by students, thereby providing an interface for the two
communities to interact.

Submissions, under the following categories, are welcome.

1. Articles (Long Articles- between 8000-10,000 words including footnotes
and Short Articles- between 5000-6000 words including footnotes)

2. Book Reviews (1000-2000 words including footnotes)

3. Case Commentaries (1000-3000 words including footnotes)

4. Comments/Articles on Policies / Documents / Draft Bills / Law
Commission Reports / Committee Reports (3000 to 5000 words
including footnotes)
Submission Guidelines:

1. Submissions are to be made only in electronic form. They are to be sent to, and
2. Details about the author, including qualifications and institutional affiliations, if
any, are to be detailed in the covering letter.
3. Only original work need be sent. It is presumed that, once the work has been
sent, that it is the original work of the author so named and that it has not
been published anywhere else.
4. All work need be sent in MS Word format- (.doc or .docx)
5. The author should maintain a uniform mode of citation throughout the whole

Scope and relevance: The work must be on contemporary legal issues on
environment. The language used must be formal and clear, adhering to the
submissions guidelines of the journal.

Review Process

The submissions received would be reviewed and the Editor(s) would determine
whether the subject matter fits within the scope of the Journal and also would assess
the quality of the manuscript. The decision on publication will be solely the discretion
of the Chief Editor and it takes a minimum of 1–2 weeks after the deadline.
1. Patron-in-Chief: Prof. (Dr) R. Venkata Rao
2. Patron: Prof. (Dr) M. K. Ramesh
3. Chief Editor: Dr. Sairam Bhat
4. Editor: Mr. Manjeri Subin Sunder Raj
5. Assistant Editor: Ms. Veada Noopura


Last date for Submission :January 15, 2016
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