CALL FOR PAPERS: Journal of Trafficking and Human Exploitation. The JTHE is primarily concerned with publishing high quality legal articles and significant case notes from domestic, regional and international jurisdictions.

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Journal of Trafficking and Human Exploitation

Call for Papers

The JTHE is primarily concerned with publishing high quality legal articles and significant case notes from domestic, regional and international jurisdictions. However, this journal will also consider interdisciplinary submissions and book reviews.

Forces of globalisation enable an ever increasing market for the commodification of human beings. In an effort to combat such actions, domestic, regional and international legal systems have outlawed trafficking in persons and various forms of human exploitation. Freedom from trafficking and such practices including slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour have also been codified in every human rights instrument across the globe establishing national obligations to investigate alleged abuses and prosecute offenders. And while there is a plethora of scholarship claiming various inadequacies pertaining to these laws and their use in practice, an academic and practical outlet focused on the laws of trafficking and human exploitation has yet to manifest.

The Journal of Trafficking and Human Exploitation (JHTE) will aim to fill this gap and serve as the premier forum to discuss and debate the legal and policy issues involving prevention, intervention, investigations, prosecution, individual, state and corporate responsibility, and the actual codified offenses, their application in practice, subsequent judicial interpretation and any ramifications emanating therefrom. As the mass perpetration of trafficking and human exploitation only appears to continue, the need to research, understand and clarify these laws and their use in practice is paramount.

Core Submissions:

This journal seeks high quality submissions reflecting a diverse range of perspectives addressing domestic, regional, international and comparative legal issues. The core submissions are intended from the following legal realms:

  • Criminal law
  • Human rights law
  • International law
  • Labour law
  • Migration and asylum law

Addressing the substantive laws and jurisprudence involving human exploitation is an underexplored realm in need of attention and analysis. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Slavery
  • Servitude
  • Forced and compulsory labour
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Recruitment and use of child soldiers
  • Forced and early marriage
  • Organ trafficking

The JTHE is primarily concerned with publishing high quality legal articles and significant case notes from domestic, regional and international jurisdictions. However, this journal will also consider interdisciplinary submissions and book reviews.

Peer review:

The JTHE uses a double-blind peer review process.


Two issues a year.


Address details:

Paris Legal Publishers, PO Box 4083, 7200 BB Zutphen, The Netherlands





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