The Indian Institute of Legal Studies was established in the year 2010. Acknowledged as one of the best law colleges in India, IILS is settled in the cradle of the quaint Himalayas and picturesque surroundings assimilating nature and education, a combination which is a rarity in itself. The institute offers 5 Year and 3 Year Integrated Degree course in Law, 2 Year LL.M Program and Masters of Arts in Public Administration and Governance. The Indian Institute of Legal Studies is affiliated to the University of North Bengal, accredited by NAAC and is recognised by the Bar Council of India and approved by the University Grants Commission, under Sections 2(f) & 12(B) of the Act of 1956.
A cardinal requirement of an academic life is the requirement of a platform for exchange of intellectual ideas and expression of opinions. Indian Institute of Legal Studies has provided such a platform in the form of IILS Law Review having an ISSN Number 2320-5318. It is a peer reviewed journal acclaimed for original ideas and academic honesty. The Journal is currently soliciting submissions for Volume VII, Issue 1 (December) 2020.
It focuses on issues related to various aspects of laws and emerging trends of socio-legal issues. We welcome submissions from academicians, practitioners, students, researchers and experts from within the intellectual and scholastic society. We have a strong preference for articles that assert and defend a well-reasoned position. Submissions can be in the form of Articles, Notes, Comments and Book review.
Nature of Contributions
- Articles: An article must conduct a complete analysis of the area of law, which the author seeks to highlight. It must contain a comprehensive study of the existing law with the suggestions and conclusions of the Author. Word Limit being 4,000 to 6,000 words.
- Notes: A note is a relatively concise form of an argument advanced by the author. The focus of a note should be on a relatively new debate or controversy regarding the interpretation or implementation in the law. Notes shall primarily highlight contemporary issues, which need to be addressed, and the authors are expected to offer a solution. The maximum word limit for a manuscript in the form of note is 2,500 words.
- Comments: A comment is where the author may decide to critique any recent/landmark judicial pronouncement or any recent legislation or bill before the Parliament or State Legislature. The word limit for a comment is 2,500 words.
- Book Review: A Book Review is where the author identifies the central idea of the book, gives the reader indication of the author’s style, approach, or premises, and then offers an overall evaluation adding suggestions and latest amendments to the given laws in the book. The word limit is from 1800-2000 words.
Submission Guidelines
- Citation Format: The citation format to be followed is The Blue book (20th Ed.). In keeping with the same, speaking footnotes are discouraged. This mode of citation must be strictly followed otherwise the paper shall not be considered for publication.
- The submission must be the original work of the authors. Any form of plagiarism will lead to direct rejection. Research Articles with similarity index upto 10% shall be taken into consideration by the Editorial Board.
- Submission must be made in MS Word Format (doc)/(docx) only with Times New Roman font (Main text: size 12 and double spaced, footnotes: size 10 and single-spaced).
- Abstract: Every submission should be accompanied by an abstract of 250-300 words describing the relevant conclusions drawn in the manuscript.
- Co-authorship (up to 2 authors) is permitted.
- Biographical Information of Authors: Details with biographical information of the authors must be given in the footnote of Author’s Name including the following details: Designation, E-mail address, Postal Address, Name and Address of Institution, Course (if applicable), Academic Year.
Mode of Submission
Submission of the abstract and full article shall be made by sending an e-mail at iils.lawreview.5318@gmail.com
The College shall be the sole copyright owner of all the published materials. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of research, private study of criticism, no part of this issue of Journal may be copied , adapted, abridged, translated, stored in any retrieval system, computer system, photographic or other system or reproduced in any form by means whether electronic, mechanical, digital, optical, photographic, or otherwise without prior written permission from the publisher/editors.
The editors, publishers and printers do not own any responsibility for the views expressed by the contributors and for the errors, if any, in the information contained in the Journal.
Please note that only the selected Author(s) will be intimated via email. Rest shall be free to submit their manuscripts in other journals after 20th November, 2020.
Mr. Souradeep Rakshit: (+91) 6296903425; 8918716693
Mr. Ujal Kumar Mookherjee: (+91) 6296903462; 9123891353
Ms. Anuttama Ghose: (+91) 629690 427; 7894270847
For any queries or clarifications, reach out to us at: iils.lawreview.5318@gmail.com

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