Call for Papers: HPNLU Centre for Alternate Dispute Resolutions and Professional Skill’s e-Newsletter [Issue II]: No Fees, Submit By June 10

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The Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla was established by an Act of the Himachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly in the year 2016 (Act 16 of 2016).

About the Centre for ADR and Professional Skills

The Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolutions and Professional Skills aims to promote research in the field of dispute resolution mechanisms in India. To find out the further concerns for research in ADR, it is necessary to analyze the existing structure and reasons for not being able to cater to the needs of emerging diversified disputes among persons and institutions.

About the Newsletter

To carry forward the objectives of the Centre, the Centre decided to start a quarterly e-Newsletter whose primary aim is to catalyze the awareness about alternative dispute resolution and to foster ADR culture with the participation of students in research avenues.

The e-newsletter will also disseminate knowledge relating to the current affairs and legal news in the field of ADR. The e-Newsletter will have 5 sections and intends to include articles and case comments from students, experts, academicians, and reputed legal professionals practicing in the field of ADR.


The Article/Essay should be written around the themes:

  • Impact Of Recent Reforms In Arbitration and Conciliation Act”,
  • “Judicial Intervention In Arbitration Proceedings and Reasons For Barring Arbitration Development in India” OR
  • “The 2020 Amendment To The Indian Arbitration Act”.

The author can write on either of the themes or on any related sub-themes.

The case comment should deal with a relevant and recent judgment (after 2020) concerning Alternate Dispute Resolution, at both national as well as international level and must, provide the author’s take on the issue, explaining the legal background succinctly and clearly.

Submission Guidelines

All the submissions must follow these guidelines: 

  • Articles/Essays: 2000 – 3000 Words. Articles should be confined to the topic above mentioned.
  • Case Comment: 1500 – 2500 Words.
  • The word limit is inclusive of footnotes and is flexible at the discretion of the Editorial Board.
  • Co-authorship is allowed up to a maximum of 2 authors only.
  • The main submission must not contain the credentials of the author(s) or the name of their institution. A separate cover letter containing the specifications of the author(s) must be attached to the e-mail. The Article must be submitted in the .doc/.docx file only.
  • The submissions must be original works and should not have been published elsewhere.
  • All submissions are subject to a plagiarism check if the work is found to be plagiarized the submission will be rejected. Minimum plagiarism allowed 15%.

Formatting and Citation Style

The submission should be free from all grammatical & spelling errors.

The content of the submission must be in the Times New Roman font with the font size 12, line spacing 1.5, and the text should be justified.

The Bluebook Uniform System of Citation (20th edition) shall be strictly adhered to. The footnotes shall be in Times New Roman font, the font size 10, and line spacing of 1.0.

Mode of Submissions

All submissions must be made in the electronic form to under the subject heading “Submission: Article/Essay/Case-Comment, e-Newsletter” latest by 10th June of 2021 (11:59 PM).

Upon the selections, author(s) will be notified by e-mail and the CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION for the same will be provided to all the selected author(s) after the publication of the newsletter.

Note: No publication, registration, or processing fees will be charged at any stage of the process from submission to publication.

Contact Information

For any queries or clarifications, write to us at or contact:

  • Mr. Bhanu Pratap (Student Coordinator): +91-6375500415,
  • Ms Prachi  (Student Coordinator):+91-9515747965
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