Call For Papers For The Cambridge Law Review (CLR) [Volume 9, Issue 1], University Of Cambridge: Submit By 15th December 2023

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What Is CLR, University Of Cambridge?

The Cambridge Law Review is a student-led journal. We welcome submissions on English law, EU law, and international law; comparative pieces involving English law; and submissions that are interdisciplinary or on-jurisdiction specific (e.g., technology regulation). We will also consider outstanding submissions that deal solely with the law of other common law jurisdictions, especially if the topic is likely to be of interest to a wider common law audience. This will typically be the case where the submission deals with a common law doctrine or a statutory rule that is shared between multiple common law jurisdictions. Submissions without this quality will only be considered on an exceptional basis. 

What Are The Details Of The Opportunity?

  • Theme: Submission should relates to a contemporary legal issue, though they will also consider outstanding historical or jurisprudential pieces. Submission should provide critical insight into the area of law they have chosen.
  • Submission Categories:
    • The Cambridge Law Review accepts articles and case comments.
    • Articles should be between 6,000 and 12,000 words, inclusive of footnotes.
    • Case comments should be between 2,000 and 4,000 words, inclusive of footnotes. They prefer case comments on recent cases, but we also welcome case comments that take a new approach to, or shed new light on, an important older case.
    • Note: Book reviews are not accepted
  • Co-authorship: Submissions may be co-authored. They do not have a strict limit on the permissible number of co-authors for a submission. However, the number of co-authors should be reasonable in the light of the length and content of a submission.
  • Submission Form: All submissions should be made using the form. CLICK HERE to submit the form.
  • Submission Process: They accept submissions all year round, but submissions are not reviewed on a rolling basis and will only be reviewed after the relevant cut-off date has passed. The cut-off date for submissions to Volume 9, Issue 1 is 15 December 2023 (Friday) at 23:59 UK time. Authors will be notified of the status of their submissions in mid-January 2024.
  • Submission Guidelines: CLICK HERE For details

For More Information:

For any queries, contact the Managing Board at

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