- The NLUA Journal of Intellectual Property Rights is a peer-reviewed bi-annual online journal of the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade – Intellectual Property Rights Chair (DPIIT-IPR) of National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam.
- The Journal seeks to serve the purpose of promoting research in legal, economic, socio-legal, social, technological and entrepreneurial aspects of new and emerging areas of IPR at all levels – regional, national and international, in view of the National IPR Policy and the Scheme for Pedagogy and Research in IPRs for Holistic Education and Academia.
- The Journal aims to publish scholarly articles, research papers, book reviews, and case studies on various aspects of IPRs from students, scholars, academicians, legal practitioners, and activists having interest and zeal in reinforcing and uplifting the prospects of IPR research and development.
Submission Categories
- Research Papers and Articles: Research papers and articles based on doctrinal as well as empirical research on the concerned theme are to be submitted. The word limit may be between 5000 to 8000 words. Authors are expected to undertake a proper analysis of the available literature and present a comprehensive understanding of the thematic topic.
- Case Studies/Comments: Case studies/comments must be based on an analysis of recent judicial pronouncements of both national and international judiciary concerning the theme. The word limit for the same may be between 3000 to 4000 words.
- Book Reviews: Review of the book must be relevant to the theme of the journal. The word limit for book reviews may be around 2000 words. The review should consist of the analysis of the opinions put forth by the author of the book and present them in own understanding.
Submission Guidelines
- Submissions in any of the categories stated above must be the original work of the author and must not have been submitted elsewhere or pending review.
- All submissions must be in MS-Word format (.doc) or (.docx).
- An abstract of not more than 250 words should invariably be provided along with the manuscript.
- Co-authorship is permitted for all the categories of submission.
- The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, with line spacing of 1.5 and a 1-inch margin on all sides of an A4 size paper.
- The format for footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10 and single line spacing.
- The citations must strictly conform to the ILI style of Footnoting.
- Headings should adhere to the following standard:
- TITLE OF THE SUBMISSION: Uppercase Bold, Font size 14.
- Headings: Bold, Font size 12.
- Sub-Headings: Title case, Italics, Font size 12.
- Submissions should include a cover letter along with the profile of the author(s)
- consisting of the author’s name, designation, institution, and contact details.
- Kindly note that all submissions will mandatorily undergo a plagiarism test.
Submission Process
Submissions should be made in electronic form to the Editorial Board at the email address iprchair@nluassam.ac.in
Being an e-Journal, all submissions, subject to selection, shall be published online.
Submission Deadline
November 30, 2022
For further clarity one may reach out to iprchair@nluassam.ac.in
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