Call For Papers For Intellectual Property and Innovation Review (IPIR): Volume-1, Issue-I By Centre for Intellectual Property Rights, Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla: Submit Abstract By 30th November 2023

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What Is The Centre for Intellectual Property Rights, HPNLU, Shimla?

Centre for Intellectual Property Rights (CIPR) is a newly established centre in the HPNLU family. The institution has strived to establish itself as the Nodal Centre for Academics and Professionalism in legal education but is yet to specialize in Intellectual Property Rights. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) is a burgeoning research field. HPNLU’s aim is to create an enabling environment by modernizing the IPR infrastructure and implementing various programmes to raise awareness among professionals and the public will be a stepping stone to success. Any academic/research activity necessitates quality human resources to manage the research positions in terms of financial and technical support to conduct any substantive research using a multidisciplinary approach in the field of Intellectual Property, and HPNLU is the ideal institution in this regard. CIPR has conducted many successful events , like the 2 days multidiscplinary conference on Women and IP and we have conducted various awareness programs, including a GI awareness program . Now, CIPR is releasing titshe first volume and first issue of our journal, Intellectual Property Innovative Review (IPIR), 2023.

Centre for Intellectual Property, Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla, is launching the maiden issue of its annual publication, Intellectual Property and Innovation Review (IPIR) (Volume 1).

Intellectual Property and Innovation Review (IPIR) is an annual double-blind peer-reviewed journal of the Centre for Intellectual Property Rights, Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla. The Journal (IPIR) aims to disseminate high-quality research articles that contribute to a deeper understanding of the theoretical, practical, and evolving aspects of intellectual property rights highlighting the deeper understanding of how intellectual property frameworks interact with traditional knowledge systems, cultural heritage, and indigenous practices. It explores the implications of intellectual property policies on innovation, creativity, technology transfer, competition, and economic development. The Journal (IPIR) would foster interdisciplinary discussions and collaboration on various fields such as technology, science, art, culture, ethics, economics, and with much focus on emerging trends and challenges in the field of intellectual property, such as the impact of digital technologies, open access movements, and globalization.

What Are The Details Of The Opportunity?

  • Submission Category: The contribution may be made in the form of Articles, Essays and Comments, and Book Reviews. The contribution, in a given category, should be a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of contemporary issues related to Intellectual Property Rights.
  • Eligibility: They invite submissions, under different categories from interested faculty members, research scholars, judges, professionals, and students
  • Last date for abstract submission: 30th November 2023. Submit to :
  • Terms & Conditions: The authors must comply with the following terms and conditions:
    • The manuscripts should be well researched/documented following the above mentioned style of citation for footnotes.
    • Co-authorship up to 1 person is allowed
    • The manuscripts should be the original work of the contributor and not a compilation of pre-existing works on the subject. It should not amount to the violation of others’ copyright. The contributor has to give a declaration as to originality of the work.
    • The copyright in all articles, published in the Volume, shall vest in the owner of the Journal, i.e. HPNLU, Shimla.
    • The views adopted from other sources and others’ work must be quoted and sufficiently acknowledged.
    • Paraphrasing and other author’s work shall not be considered as original work.
    • The Author has to cover the risk of being sued for copyright, defamation or contempt and shall be liable to suffer the losses if caused by violating copyright.
  • Formatting Guidelines:
    • The following word limit should be observed:
      • Articles (6000-10000 words)
      • Essays and Comments (4000-6000 words)
      • Book Review (3000-4000 words) (Contribution under this
      • The category is required to be made along with the new soft copy of the Book)
    • The font of the body of the paper must be Times New Roman, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing, and the font size of footnotes, must be size 10 with single line spacing.
    • A margin of 1 inch should be left on all sides of the pages.
    • Abstract: Abstract of the paper in 250-300 words should be sent along with the electronic submissions.
    • Citation: For citation and references, the HPNLU Citation Style or the Bluebook, A Uniform System of Citation (20th Edn.), should be strictly followed. The HPNLU Citation-Style is available here. It can also be used for the paper in case of any confusion vis-a-vis format and footnoting.
    • Footnotes: Lengthy and multi-paragraphed footnotes are discouraged. The citations must mention the page(s) of the source and in cases where Court Judgments are referred to the footnotes should also mention the paragraph of the judgment in addition to the page number of the Reporter.
    • Websites: Only authoritative and authentic websites may be cited. References to internet sources, such as Wikipedia, blogs, commercial websites, etc., are not acceptable.
  • Submission Guidelines:
    • Theme: There is no specific or particular theme(s) or topic(s) for the Volume. All submissions, relating to different kinds of Intellectual Property Rights directly or otherwise, are welcome.
    • The manuscripts should have similarity index less than 10%
    • Covering Letter: Author(s) must send a covering letter mentioning the title of the paper, name, designation, and details of the author(s) as well as institutional affiliation. The author(s) are compulsorily required to make a solemn declaration about the originality of the manuscript and that the same has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
    • Communication of Acceptance: The decision on the acceptance of the paper for publication will be that of the Editorial Board, which shall be final. The communication shall be made electronically. The Editorial Board reserves the right of publication and a manuscript maybe rejected from publication in the final stage(s).
  • Submission Process:
    • To submit your manuscript , email your manuscript to , with the subject “ Submission to IPIR , Volume I, 2023”
    • The deadline to submit the manuscript is 30th November, 2023 , 11:59. Any late entries shall not be entertained.

For More Information:

For any query contact at or call at

  • Ayushi Soni (Convenor)- +91 75681 60039
  • Vansh Chadha (Co-Convenor)- +91 8350977884
  • Saumya Goswami (Senior Editorial Member)- +91 70180 29546

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