- The National Law Institute University (NLIU) is a law school and centre for research located in Bhopal, India. Established in 1997 by the state of Madhya Pradesh, it is one of the first three law schools to have been established under the National Law School System.
- Gender Justice Cell, NLIU was established in 2004 with an aim to promote gender equality and to sensitize and create awareness on gender related issues. It promotes research based on the theme Gender and Law through its Journal and Blog. The Gender Justice Cell, NLIU seeks to conduct the 3rd NLIU Conference on Gender and Law on 18th-19th February 2023.
- The aim of this programme is to further the idea of Gender Justice and to initiate discussions on the relevant but prominent topics pertaining to Gender and Law at the national level.
Date and Venue
The Conference will be organised on 18th-19th February, 2023 at the Convention Centre, National Law Institute University, Bhopal.
Students from undergraduate, post graduate and doctoral qualification, academicians and scholars, practitioners, consultants, researchers, and policy makers from different backgrounds across the world.
We welcome original and unpublished contributions from students, academicians, and practitioners for the conference. The suggested themes under the topic of the conference are:
Criminal and Personal Laws in India
- Criminal Law Reforms in India: An opportunity for Gender Neutral laws
- The Need for a Uniform Civil Code for elimination of Gender Discrimination in Personal Laws
- Property Rights of women across different religions
Labour, Corporate Law and Gender
- Women, Business and Law: Reforms in Corporate Law
- Enabling Women’s Entrepreneurship through Smart Legislative and Policy Design.
- Addressing Gender Discrimination Issues at the Workplace.
- Gender Justice and Labour Law in India
Global Issues: Gender Equality
- Global efforts on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women
- Convention on Child Rights: The vulnerabilities of girls in conflict with the Law.
- Global Issues in Gender related crimes.
- Atrocities against women in cases of dictatorial regime
Good Governance and Gender Equality
- Gendered Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic
- Role of Government and NGOs in Gender Sensitisation.
- Analysing the Role of National and State Commission for Women in representing the rights of women.
- Highlighting the Importance of Women in Leadership roles
Note: Themes are indicative in nature and not restrictive. Any entry beyond the suggested theme is welcome.
- Call for Abstracts: 25th December, 2022
- Last Date for Abstract Submission: 13th January, 2023
- Abstract Selection:15th January, 2023
- Final Submission of Paper: 31st January, 2023
- Final Selection for Presentation: 5th February, 2023
- Last date for Registration and Payment: 7th February, 2023
- Conference: 18th-19th February, 2023
- Publication of manuscript in Book Format: 30th March, 2023
Submission Categories
Papers can be submitted under the following categories:
⮚ Long Articles: Between 5000 and 8000 words. Papers in this category are expected to engage with the theme comprehensively and offer an innovative reassessment of the current understanding of that theme. For a long article, co-authorship of up to two authors is permitted.
⮚ Essays: Between 3000 and 5000 words. Essays are expected to be far more concise in scope. These papers are usually meant to deal with a very specific issue and argue that the issue must be conceptualized differently. They should be more engaging, and make a more easily identifiable, concrete argument.
⮚ Case Notes and Legislative Comments: Between 1500 and 2500 words. These are analyses of any contemporary judicial pronouncement or a new piece of legislation/rules/consultation papers whether in India or elsewhere. The note must identify and examine the line of cases through which the decision in the question came about, and comment on implications for the evolution of that branch of law. In the case of legislative comment, the note must analyse the objective of the legislation and the legal impact the same is expected to have.
Registration and Payment
Ø Registration
After the final selection of the paper, the authors/ co-authors will be required to fulfil the registration process by filling the registration form and paying the registration fees. The registration form will be mailed to the authors of the selected manuscripts by email.
Registration fee includes the expenses for participation in the conference, publication of the contribution in the book format, conference attendance certificate, lunch during conference, badge, conference bag and/or conference accessories and refreshment breaks.
Ø Payment
Upon submission of the registration form, the participants can pay their registration fee by PayPal, Google pay or Debit/Credit Card. The registration fee is to be submitted only by authors whose final papers have been selected for presentation in the conference. The amount of fee to be paid are as follows:
- For Academicians, Professionals and PHD Scholars: INR 1500 per author
- For Students enrolled in undergraduate or post graduate programme: INR 1000 per author
Submission Guidelines
⮚ The author shall submit an abstract of not more than 300 words with a covering letter containing the name(s) of the author(s) and address, designation, institution/affiliation, the title of the manuscript, theme and contact information (email, phone, etc.). The submission must be made to genderjusticecellnliu@gmail.com
⮚ The authors of the selected abstracts will be asked to submit manuscripts. The authors of the final selected manuscripts will be called for Paper Presentation. Co-authorship is permitted up to 2 authors.
⮚ The manuscript should be on A4 sized paper in MS Word, typewritten in British English using Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 line Spacing, justified and 1-inch margins on each side. Footnotes should be in font size 10 and with single line spacing.
⮚ The Authors should conform to the OSCOLA (Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities).
⮚ Authors should provide their contact details, designation, institutional affiliation and address in the covering letter for the submission. The Manuscript should not contain any identification of the author/s, which shall be a ground for rejection of the submission.
⮚ The submission must be the original work of the authors. Any form of plagiarism will lead to direct rejection.
⮚ Manuscripts shall be assessed by subjection to Blind Review Procedure. Reviewers shall not be informed of the author’s name, university, year in college, or any other personal information.
⮚ The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit, change, shorten and add to your article for the original edition and for any subsequent revision along with the right to republish the article as part of an anthology in later years: provided that the meaning of the text is not materially altered.
⮚ It is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure that the manuscript does not infringe copyright and due credits are given to all the contributors. The copyright of the manuscript finally presented shall vest jointly with the author(s) and NLIU. Where the author subsequently wishes to publish the article, the author is requested to obtain prior permission from the Editorial Board of the Conference and acknowledge that the article first appeared in the Conference proceedings.
Prof. Dr.Raka Arya, Faculty In-charge, Gender Justice Cell, NLIU Bhopal
She is a professor at NLIU Bhopal and has been appointed as a member of the 22nd Law Commission of India. She has a teaching experience of 20 years. She graduated from Agra University in 1984; and did her LL.B. from the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh in 1987. She completed her Post Graduation (M.A.) from Agra University, Agra. She gained her M.Phil (1993) and Ph.D from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi in 1999. She worked on French Policy of National Nuclear Independence: Its Rationale and Relevance to India as her Ph.D Thesis.
Student Co-ordinators, Gender Justice Cell, NLIU Bhopal
Ø Monish Raghuwanshi, Convenor, Gender Justice Cell, NLIU Bhopal
Ø Mili Rawat, Co-convener, Gender Justice Cell, NLIU Bhopal
Ø Kriti Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Gender Justice Cell, NLIU Bhopal
Ø Juhi Mandhare, Joint Secretary, Gender Justice Cell, NLIU Bhopal
Ø Anupam Mishra, Treasurer, Gender Justice Cell, NLIU Bhopal
In case of any queries, kindly drop an email at genderjusticecellnliu@gmail.com