Call for papers for law students-CASIHR Journal of Human Rights practice Vol.6 issue 2′

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The CASIHR Journal on Human Rights Practice (JHRP) is a new endeavor of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Human Rights (CASIHR) in furtherance of its aim of understanding the expanding horizons of Human Rights Law and Practice. The journal is a bi-annual peer reviewed referred journal with ISSN: 2581-4834 aimed at contributing to the literature on Human Rights and providing a platform for academicians, professionals and students to contribute to its growth in addition to promote research and deliberation in the field of Human Rights. It aims at encouraging academicians, professionals as well students to contribute long articles, short articles/essays, book reviews and case comments related to the field of Human Rights.

The Centre for Advanced Studies in Human Rights (CASIHR), Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab invites long articles, short articles, essays, case comments and book reviews for Volume 6, Issue 2 of the CASIHR Journal on Human Rights Practice (CASIHR JHRP).

To provide a platform for more pointed, specialized and diverse inputs and analyses, the adherence to a rigid thematic issue has been dispensed with. Therefore, this particular volume is not theme specific in nature and authors are free to write on any topic relevant to the field of Human Rights. The manuscripts received will, after initial screening, go through a double blind peer review process by relevant academicians and experts. Final selection will be based on the aforementioned process.

Authors are free to write on any subject of their choice provided it remains within the ambit of Human Rights and adds to contemporary discourse regarding the same. Preference will be given to empirical research work.


It is a bi-annual Journal that is published twice in a year.

  1. January- June Issue
  • July- December Issue.


Submissions can be made under the following heads:

  • Long Articles – Maximum preferred word limit 7000-8000 words.
  • Short Articles/ Essays – Word Limit of 5000 – 6000 words.
  • Case Comments – Word Limit of 3000 – 4000 words.
  • Book Reviews – Word limit of 1500 – 2500 words.
  • Abstracts- Word limits of 250-300 words.

The word limit is exclusive of footnotes.


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