Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) was established in 1920 as a response to the clarion call of the renowned social activists and freedom fighters. The sapling representing the quest for knowledge and the resolve to empower the national movement, has grown over the last 100 years into an enormous tree that represents tenacity, adaptability, and humility. Jamia Millia Islamia, a Central University, located in New Delhi embodies diversity, uniqueness, and modernity in every aspect of its being. An ensemble of multilayered educational system, JMI has 9 Faculties, 38 departments and over 27 specialized centres of learning and research, JMI attracts the brightest minds from across the country and globally. Adjudged as the Best University amongst the top universities of the country by the MHRD in 2019, JMI continues to strive excellence in academics and stands firmly on its original mandate of educating socially conscious young minds.
Established in 1989, the Faculty of Law over the past three decades has been actively redefining the contours of legal education through its various academic programmes, as well as other academic and co-curricular activities. Adjudged one of the premier institutions of legal education, the Faculty of Law has been constantly working towards training lawyers, judges, policy makers and academicians with a strong commitment towards the protection and promotion of the constitutional values of India.
As a minority institution, the concepts of rights and education aiming towards the true upliftment of the people are quintessential to the idea of Jamia. It is aptly said that Jamia is not just a university, it’s a movement that started back in 1920 with an aim to provide first-rate modern education. As the university marks the centenary year of its establishment, the Faculty of Law, in addition to the various academic and other activities, intends to bring out a special edition of its flagship publication – the Jamia Law Journal (JLJ) [ISSN 2456-2718]. Through the annual issues, the blind peer-reviewed JLJ has been promoting academic research and fostering debates on contemporary legal issues in India. Through this special volume, the Faculty wishes to connect the historical legacy of the independence movement and the subsequent endeavours at the larger nation-building project with the contemporary constitutional and legal framework. Wishing to highlight the relevance of the past developments and the contemporary discourses while undertaking the ambitious project of formulating consequential academic interventions, the Editorial Board calls for papers from academicians, researchers, lawyers, policymakers and students focusing on the following themes:
- Making of the Indian Constitution and its contemporary challenges
- Protection of minority rights in contemporary India
- Changing social norms and legal response
- Law, policy and educational reforms
- Role of politics in law-making
Submission Categories
The Jamia Law Journal invites original, unpublished manuscripts from academicians, judges, and legal professionals from India and abroad, under the following categories:
A. Long Articles (8000-10000 words including footnotes)
This category is designed to comprehensively deal with and provide a sustained analysis of a particular legal topic in toto. It must analyze the current practices in the field and identify lacunae therein along with suggesting solutions to the problem. It should be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 200 words.
B. Short Articles (4000-6000 words including footnotes)
The Journal includes short works to provide an opportunity for the members of the legal fraternity to keep abreast of new ideas and legal reforms. In this category, a more comprehensive study of a narrow topic is involved, and the issues must be addressed from a new perspective providing a critical insight on the subject. It should be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 200 words.
C. Notes and Comments (2000-3500 words including footnotes)
An important feature of the journal is the ‘Notes and Comments’ section. A note is a concise argument focusing on any recent legal controversy or debate. A comment is limited to a critical appraisal of recent judicial decisions, new legislation (enacted or proposed), or policy reform proposals. Short notes should be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 150 words. No abstract is required for Case Comments/Legislative Reviews.
D. Book Review (1500-2000 words including footnotes)
This section includes the review of any scholarly work recently published in the field of law. No abstract is required for the purpose of a book review.
Submission Guidelines
A. General Instructions
- Up to two co-authors are allowed for all categories except Book Reviews, Notes and Comments wherein co-authorship is not allowed.
- All works must be original and unpublished, and not pending for review before any other journal. Any form of plagiarism will lead to rejection of the manuscript submitted for publication in the journal.
- Submissions that exceed the word limit will not be accepted.
- Submission for Undergraduates is only open in the category of Notes and Comments.
- Submissions are also open to Post-graduate students and Research Scholars in all categories.
B. Format
- In order to ensure transparency in the blind review process, the name of the author or institutional affiliation must not be mentioned anywhere in the manuscript.
- The main body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing and footnotes in Times New Roman font size 10, with 1.0 line spacing. All headings must have uniform formatting.
- Text and footnotes should conform to ILI Rules of Footnoting. Submissions with endnotes will be rejected.
- The first page of the manuscript should only contain the name of the paper followed by the abstract, wherever applicable. The second page should contain a table of contents, and the main body of the manuscript must begin immediately thereafter.
C. Submission through email
- All submissions must be mailed in Word format (‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’) as an attachment to jamialawjournal@jmi.ac.in with the subject ‘Manuscript Submission for Jamia Law Journal’. Manuscripts submitted in PDF/other formats/hard copy will not be accepted. Any quarries are also to be communicated to this email id.
- The body of the email must mention the name of the author(s), contact number, academic qualifications, institutional affiliation, title of the paper, and a declaration to the effect that the manuscript is an original and previously unpublished work of the author.
D. Submission Deadline
September 15, 2021
Click here for the official information.

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