Call For Papers By International Journal On Consumer Law And Practice (IJCLP), Vol.12, 2024 [Scopus | UGC-Care]: Submit By 30th April 2024

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What Is The National Law School of India University (NLSIU)?

The National Law School of India University (NLSIU) is an institution of legal education focusing on undergraduate and graduate legal and policy education in India. The University’s Chancellor is the Chief Justice of India, and the Chairman of the Bar Council of India is the Chairman of the General Council. NLSIU, since 2018 has consistently maintained the top rank in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) ranks higher educational institutions across India.

The International Journal on Consumer Law and Practice (IJCLP) is a blind-peer reviewed, open-access journal published annually by NLSIU under the aegis of the Chair on Consumer Law and Practice. Launched in 2013, IJCLP provides a forum for discussions on national and international best practices in consumer protection law.

What Are The Details Of The Opportunity?

  • Theme: The journal welcomes contributions from academics, practitioners and students of law and allied fields. It features articles, essays and case notes on various themes, including but not limited to:
    • Consumer welfare legislation and its implementation
    • Consumer rights in the digital era
    • Technological advancements in the enforcement of consumer rights
    • Effectiveness of mediation as a tool to resolve consumer disputes.
    • The need for an international consumer protection framework and policy
  • Deadline For Submission: Deadline for submission is 30th April 2024.
    • Submission Guidelines:
    • Online discrimination in the collaborative economy;
    • Consumer Protection in Financial Sector;
    • Transparency in consumer credit contracts;
    • Trading data in the digital economy;
    • Consent on social media and e-commerce platforms;
    • Consumer behaviour: goods and services, business and marketing practices, retailing;
    • Consumer ecosystem and its interactions with consumers laws: globalization, sustainability, technology, ethical consumption, gender issues, citizenship;
    • Consumer Protection with respect to Sale of Goods and services through social media platforms;
    • Consumer Protection from Fake Reviews on E-Commerce Portals;
    • Consumer Protection & Fall-Back Liability;
    • Imposing service charges on Consumer for the services rendered at Hotels and Restaurants;
    • Recognition of Right to Repair as a Consumer Right;
    • Assessment of Consumer Protection in India in par with International Best Practices;
    • Sustainable Consumerism;
    • Settlement of Cross Border Consumer Disputes; and
    • Dark patterns and Consumer Protection.
  • Format Of Submission:
    • The submission shall not contain the name of the author or institutional affiliation or any other identification mark. Submission shall be sent in .doc or .docx format only.
    • The body of the submission should be in Times New Roman, with Font Size 12 and Line Spacing of 1.5. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10 with Single Line Spacing.
    • The Heading and subheading of the paper should be in following format:
    • All citations should be placed in footnotes (and not endnotes) and shall conform to the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (4th edn, 2012).
    • The submission should contain a disclaimer to the effect that the piece is original and has not been published or is under consideration, for publication, elsewhere.
    • All submissions are subject to Plagiarism check.
    • All submissions go through an initial round of review by the editorial board and the selected pieces are subsequently sent for peer review, before finalization for publication.
  • Submission Process: Only electronic submissions are accepted. Kindly submit your submission on this Submission Form along with the covering letter, and resume on or before 30th April 2024 for it to be considered for volume XI. Please feel free to contact us at for any queries.

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