Call for Papers by Christ University Law Journal (CULJ) on Labor Law Reforms for law students: Submit by Mar 30

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The CULJ (ISSN: 2278-4322; Indexed: Library of Congress Control Number 2013411703) is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed law journal.

Christ University Law Journal seeks to facilitate greater interest and deeper insight in various fields of law among students, academicians, and legal scholars. It provides space for discussions, comments, and concerns in recent legal issues and developments. The Journal targets academic institutions, research centers, policymakers, and government organizations.

Labour Law Reforms in India and its Implications (July – Dec 2021)

About the Theme:- It is estimated that our country has more than 44 central legislations under four heads (yet to be enforced) viz. Code on Wages, Code on Social Security and Occupational Safety, Code on Industrial Relations, and code on Health and Working Conditions, for regulating and protecting labor and we also have laws for ensuring the health, safety, and better working conditions of workers. However, Indian labor laws are often characterized as “inflexible.” Investors claim that majority of the firms hesitate from hiring new workers because of the stringent permission provisions existing in the present legal system, thus hindering the growth of Indian companies. Though the amalgamation of labor legislations can be considered as a major step towards reform, another concern will be regarding the dilution of the socialistic oriented labor perspective, which existed in Indian industrial jurisprudence. Liberalized policies will create more contractual freedom, but reduce a healthy environment for workers, specifically in terms of their rights.

The daunting challenge before governments will be to balance the market, labor, and the employer. To examine these issues further, Christ University Law Journal invites research paper submissions on the following sub-themes:

Labour Reforms in India: Issues & Challenges
Economic Perspective on Labour Reforms in India
The Code on Wages, 2019: A Critical Analysis
The Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code – Issues and concerns
The Code on Social Security and informal sector in India
Industrial Relations: Challenges
Collective bargaining and the role of trade unions at the outset of labour reforms in India
The Code on Social Security: Issues & Challenges

Submission Guidelines:-
Guidelines for Contributors: Christ University Law Journal (CULJ), ISSN 2278-4322, invites contributions in the form of articles, case comments, legislative notes and book reviews. All submissions are subject to peer review and modification as per the journal style sheet.
Word Limit: The word limit for articles is between 6,000 to 10,000 words (inclusive of footnotes), comments and book reviews between 2,000 to 4,000 words, and legislative notes between 3,000 to 5,000 words.
Citation Format: The citation format to be used is The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, Harvard Law Review (20th ed.).
Abstract: The manuscript must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 300 words with five to eight keywords.
Covering Letter: All submissions, both hard and electronic copies, must be attached with a covering letter mentioning the name of the author, occupation, title of the manuscript and contact address, for future reference.

Method of Submission:-

All submissions should be double-spaced in font size 12 following the Times New Roman format.
One-inch margins should be left on both sides of the text and at the top and bottom.
The manuscript must not bear identification of any kind.

Procedure for Submission:-
Kindly include the abstract of the article in 150-200 words, 5 Keywords, and a summary of the CV of the author in 100-150 words.

For further clarity click here

For submitting the manuscript click here

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