The AMU Law Society Review is calling for paper submissions on a wide range of topics, to be submitted by January 20, 2021.
The AMU Law Society Review is the flagship journal of the Faculty of Law, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (U.P.). It is an annual journal that provides an extensive platform to the academicians, practitioners, researchers and students to assimilate, exchange and extend their ideas to facilitate the debate on contemporary legal issues through their scholarly articles and research papers.
Types of Submissions
- Research Papers: 4,000 to 5,000 words
- Case Comments and Legislative Comments: 3,000 to 3,500 words
- Articles and Essays: 1,500 to 2,500 words
- Book Reviews/ Film Reviews: 1,200 to 2,000 words
Word limits are exclusive of footnotes.
Suggested Themes
- Family Laws and the Constitution
- The Uniform Civil Code: Problems and Prospects
- Right to Internet: Shutdowns, Free Speech and Suppression
- Extra-Judicial Encounters and the Rule of Law
- Multinational Corporations v. Regulators: Technology, Data and Privacy
- Humanitarian and Refugee Laws
- Prisoners’ Rights in International Jurisprudence
- Labour Laws and the Migrant Worker Crisis
- Legislative Analysis: Epidemic Act and Other Healthcare Laws
- Refugee Crisis with special reference to Syria, Iraq, and Myanmar
Note: The themes suggested in the Brochure are indicative, the author(s) are free to select their own.
Submission Guidelines
- Submissions must be in electronic form sent via email to
- Submissions of the Abstract must be made to the above-mentioned email ID, with the subject line “Abstract Submission for AMU Law Society Review 2021.” and before 11:50 PM, 20th January 2021.
- The word limit for the Abstract is 300 words.
- Submissions of the Manuscript must be made to the above-mentioned email ID, with the subject line “Manuscript Submission for AMU Law Society Review 2021.” and before 11:50 PM, 06th March 2021.
- The submission shall not contain the name of the author or institutional affiliation or any other identification mark (except in the cover letter).
- Submission shall be sent in .doc or .docx format only. A separate cover letter in (.doc) or (.docx) format containing particulars of the author(s) and the submission is to be sent along with the submission.
- A cover letter should include: Title of Submission, Sub-theme Chosen (if any), Abstract Name of the Author and Co-author, Designation, Institutional Affiliation, Contact Information, and Address for Correspondence.
- Font of must be Times New Roman and size 12 for the main text, and 10 for footnotes. Line Spacing must be 1.5 for the main text and 1.0 for footnotes. Alignment must be justified.
- We accept footnote citations exclusively. Citations must conform to standards laid in the Harvard Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th Edition).
- Plagiarism: Plagiarism up to 10% is permissible. The author(s) shall also submit a Declaration of Originality with their submission
- Co-Authorship of up to two authors is permitted.
- Submitted manuscripts should not be simultaneously considered by any other publication at the time of submission.
- The copyright of the entry to the journal will rest with the Editorial Board once the entry has been selected and the author(s) of the same have been notified. The mere submission shall not confer any claim for publication. The decision of the Editorial Board shall be final.
Important dates
- Last Date for Submission of Abstract: 20th January 2021
- Communication of Acceptance of Abstract: 27th January 2021
- Last date for Final Submission of Full Paper: 6th March 2021
Contact Persons
Kaif Siddiqui (+91-8057729256)
Joint Editors
- Rajat Shandilya (+91- 8077074696)
- Mahelaka Abrar (+91-7302101996)
- Shifa Qureshi (+91-6232282925)
For the official brochure of AMU LSR, click here.

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