Call for Papers: NLIU International Trade Law Journal: No Fees, August 31

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The NLIU International Trade Law Journal, a peer-reviewed annual publication of the National Law Institute University, Bhopal, is calling for submissions for its inaugural edition. The Journal aims to provide a forum for intellectual discourse and academic research into various themes of international trade law and associated fields.

With an interdisciplinary approach, the Journal aspires to contribute to the niche but developing study of international economic laws. The Journal would serve as a platform for scholars to study varied areas of law that have an impact on world trade.

Call for Papers

They invite submissions from academicians, practitioners, researcher scholars, students and experts from within the legal community for manuscripts that assert and defend a well-reasoned position relating to international economic laws. The themes of interest include:

  • International trade law and policy
  • International investment law and policy
  • Trans-border dispute resolution
  • International financial law
  • Global competition law

However, these themes are not exhaustive and the author may choose any interdisciplinary approach with regards to trade and allied laws.

Authors willing to contribute to the journal are required to send in extended abstracts by 11:59 PM on 31st August 2021 on the acceptance of which, full papers shall be submitted by 11:59 PM on 30th November 2021 (tentatively).
Authors must note that acceptance of their abstract does not guarantee the publication of the final manuscript. All manuscripts will undergo a rigorous process of review and only those manuscripts of the highest academic standards shall be accepted.

Guidelines for extended abstracts

An extended abstract must contain all relevant aspects and information about the proposed topic and must explain in detail the research work being done and the findings. It must include the objectives of the research and the question it seeks to answer. The word limit for an extended abstract would be up to 1,000 words; however, for Book Reviews, Case Comments, and Notes, the abstracts can be up to 700 words.

Paper Submissions

Submission Categories

  • Long Articles(6000-8000 words)
  • Short Articles(4000-6000 words)
  • Book Reviews (1500-2500 words)
  • Case Comments(1500-2500 words)
  • Notes(1500-2000 words)

Layout & Drafting of the Manuscripts

The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 and 1.5-line spacing. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10 and single line spacing.

The citation style should be in consonance with the 4th edition of the Oxford style of citation (OSCOLA), available at here

Speaking footnotes and endnotes are discouraged;

Submission Guidelines

  1. All extended abstract submissions must be made through this form by 11:59 PM (Indian Standard Time) on 31st August, 2021
  2. The work submitted shall be original and unpublished;
  3. A maximum co-authorship of two authors is allowed;
  4. The final decision as to the acceptance of manuscripts rests with the Editorial Board. Authors are requested to visit the official website of the Journal for the detailed submission guidelines.

Contact Details

In case of any queries, the editorial board can be reached at

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