Call for Paper
Journal Name:
International Journal of Law and Social Sciences, Alliance University
Deadline for Submission:
April 30, 2023
- Judges, Academicians., Professionals., Research Scholars., Students pursuing Law in allied disciplines.
Submission Guidelines:
- The research paper should be between 5000 to 8000 words. The manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract of about 250-300 words along with 5 Keywords.
- The maximum co-authorship for a paper is limited to two.
- All the papers should be submitted with a cover page containing the following information: Name, Institutional Affiliation, Correspondence Address, E-Mail ID, and Phone Number.
No publication fee
For Any Query:
Email: ijls@alliance.edu.in
Dr. Upankar Chutia: +91-9717132331
Dr. Smita Satapathy: +91-7381999449
Dr. Gyanashree Dutta: +91-6361316903.
For Submission Guidelines and other Information:
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