Call For Paper: GNLU SRDC-ADR Magazine Volume IV | Issue III; Submit By 11:59 PM On 28th July, 2024

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What Is GNLU SRDC-ADR magazine?

We are delighted to announce that the GNLU SRDC-ADR magazine is now inviting submissions for Volume IV, Issue III. Contribution to the magazine are welcome from all academicians, practitioners and Law students in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution.

What Are The Details Of The Opportunity?

  • Submission Guidelines:
  • Word limit: 2000-2500 words (exclusive of citations).
  • The body of the manuscript should be in Garamond and the font size should be 12.
  • The line spacing 1.5.
  • The footnotes should be in Garamond, font size 10 and line spacing 1.
  • The citations must conform to the OSCOLA style of citations, 4th edition.
  • No hyperlinks are allowed.
  • The piece should not contain any reference to the author, including their names and institutional affiliations.
  • Articles displaying high levels of plagiarism are liable for summary rejection.
  • Any failure to adhere to submission guidelines may result in rejection of the submission.
  • Please find the detailed formatting guide (here).
  • Submission deadline: Manuscripts must be submitted by 11:59 PM on 28th July, 2024 to be considered for publication and Volume IV, Issue III
  • Plagiarism Policy: The SRDC-ADR Magazine is committed to upholding the integrity of academic process and encourage original research and writing. Accordingly, it adopts stringent editorial safeguards to ensure that no plagiarized material is hosted on our website or published in the issue. The ADR Magazine adopts inbuilt editorial standards where submissions are pre-screened by the use of industry-standard software, aided by human intervention to assess the nature of similarity flagged by the software, whether incidental or substantive. Articles displaying high levels of similarity are thus liable to summary rejection in accordance with the extant guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission. Authors may be advised accordingly, and ensure that the submissions returned by the Editorial board flagging concerns about the content and proposed suggestions are complied with. Non-compliance with the plagiarism policy or the editorial board’s objections may result in rejection of the submission. The Editorial Board, accordingly requests the authors to cooperate with them during the review process.
  • Review Policy: The ADR Magazine adopts a blind review process. Hence, submissions containing references to the identity of the authors in the body of the manuscript are liable to rejection. Authors must provide their personal details and a passport-size photo in the body of the email, enclosing the submission as a doc.x attachment. The ADR Magazine reserves its right not to disclose the reasons for acceptance/rejection of a given submission to the authors. The final date for submission to feature an article in the next issue is provided in the Call-for-Papers issued by the Magazine from time to time. However, the ADR Magazine accepts submissions on a rolling basis, whereby articles submitted post the deadline for a given issue shall nevertheless be considered for review in the subsequent issues, subject to the authors providing their consent for the same.
  • The time taken for review of an Issue ranges between four to six weeks after the expiry of the deadline. While the Editorial Board makes its best attempts to ensure a constant frequency of publication, the review process may be delayed on account of extraneous circumstances. The Editorial Board shall ensure the timely intimation of such delays at which stage the cooperation of the authors shall be highly valued. A manuscript under review shall not be submitted to another publication pending the outcome of the editing process.
  • Once accepted, the manuscript shall become a part of the ADR Magazine’s intellectual property. In case of citations involving unpublished research, it is assumed that the Author had obtained the necessary permissions from the authors of the concerned unpublished sources. Any liability arising in this regard shall be borne solely by the Author and the Magazine assumes no burden for the same.
  • Magazine Credentials
  • ISSN Number: Frequency of Publication: Triannual
  • Starting Year: 2020
  • Language: English
  • Subject: Alternate Dispute Resolution
  • Format of Publication: Online
  • Publisher: Gujarat National Law University, Attalika Avenue Knowledge Corridor, PDPU Road, Koba Sector, Gandhinagar, Gujarat- 382421

For More Information:

Contact Details:

  • E-mail ID:
  • Pratyusha Ivaturi, Editor-in-Chief: +91 70935 87207
  • Harshit Upadhyay: +91 70074 36600

CLICK HERE For The Notification & Submission Guidelines 

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