Call for Content Writers for International Agora by Jindal Society of International Law [JSIL]: Apply by July 5

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International Agora is an extension of the initiatives of the Jindal Society of International Law (JSIL), a student-led initiative at O.P. Jindal Global University, under the aegis of the Centre for the Study of United Nations, and guidance of Faculty Coordinator Professor (Dr.) Vesselin Popovski. Founded in 2020, this Society is an initiative to provide a platform to young international law enthusiasts. The Society is supported and guided by doyens in the field of International Law, such as Dr. Anne Peters, Mr. John Burgess, and more. Since November 2020, the society has aimed to foster meaningful conversations in the realm of international law and play the role of a facilitator for passionate and driven students.

This writing platform, International Agora, aims to further the vision of the society by promoting meaningful discourse on the various subject matters within the field of international law. The aim is to create a platform where everyone who is interested in International law can participate, discuss and further promote this field of study. There is immense scope and potential in this field and we at JSIL believe, that the existing discourse on it has just scratched the surface.

For additional information please visit the website


  • The position is for a period of six months wherein those selected will be required to provide two articles a month.
  • One shall be on a topic of their choice (after a discussion with the Managing Editors), and one shall be in line with a monthly theme chosen by the Managing Editors in consultation with the editors.
  • After the second month (submission of 4 articles), writers shall have the option to take on a longer writing project in the form of a series on a particular chosen subject matter (alone, in groups, and even collaborate with other established initiatives).
  • This is so long as it satisfies the overall criteria of 8 submissions before the completion of tenure. Such would require a pitch to the Managing Editors, and is subject to their feedback and approval.


  • Anyone who is pursuing, or has completed, any law/legal degree is welcome to apply.
  • Applicants must have studied International Law formally and should display an avid interest in this field.
  • The application form for the positions requires certain details, where due consideration shall be given to the candidature of the student in the selection process. 

Application Process

In order to apply for this post, please fill the form through the link given below. Kindly apply by 5 July 2021, by 11:59 pm. Selected Participants shall be individually contacted. 

Click here to apply for the role at JSIL.

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