Call for Chapters for the book- Status of women and Law- Submit by 30th July 2021

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यस्य पूज्यंते नार्यस्तु तत्र रमन्ते देवता:अर्थात्, जहां नारी की पूजा होती है, वहां देवता निवास करते हैं।

 India is country where name of Goddess comes before the name of God like Parvati Shiv or Radha Krishna but the actual position of women in our society is very dreadful.

From equal status with men in ancient times, through the demeaning status in the medieval period, to the promotion and guarantee of equal rights by supreme law of the land i.e., Constitution of India in the modern era the position of women in Indian society has been subjected to many changes.

In present “आत्म निर्भर भारत” even when the women are holding the post of President, Prime Minister, Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Leader of the Opposition, Finance Minister, CEO of MNC’s, etc. they are still being exposed to the numerous social evils.

According to a global study conducted by Thomson Reuters, India is the “fourth most dangerous country” in the world for women. Keeping all these things in mind the Editor’s believe that a comprehensive book on the laws relating to women wherein position of women in India, offences related to women and various legislation framed to protect her rights could be discussed in detail.


Dr. Namita Jain, Head of Department, School of Law, JECRC University

Dr. Namita has over 11 years of experience in teaching. She has 14 Research papers to her credit along with 2 books & 3 chapters, she is member of various esteemed Law Institutions and Editorial & Reviewer member in various esteemed journals.

She has been Awarded for Women Empowerment by Prime Time and in education sector by Fashion Lifestyle and I Can Foundation, India. She has attended various national and international conferences, seminars and workshops. She has devoted a lot of time in researching and has command over Jurisprudence, Law relating to Women and Children, Corporate Law etc.

Mr. Harshit Gupta, Founder – JUST JUSTICE

Mr. Harshit Gupta is founder of a Legal Start-up JUST JUSTICE- We Believe in Equity, He has been working with a mission to create a workplace, where learning is the interpretation of a well- built foundation and opportunities are well assisted with effective utilization, to provide pool of opportunities in the field of law to upcoming lawyers. He has 1 Research paper, 4 Articles & 2 book chapters to his credit. He has attended various National and International conferences, seminars and workshops. His areas of interest include International Law, Competition Law & Administrative Law.

Ms. Priyanshi Khunteta, Executive Head – JUST JUSTICE,

Ms. Priyanshi Khunteta is Executive Head at JUST JUSTICE- We Believe in Equity. Being a part of various National Level Units & Committees, she has been dedicatedly working for the welfare of women, children and other needy people. She has 1 Research paper, 2 Articles & 2 book chapters to her credit. She has attended various National and International conferences, seminars and workshops. She has keen interest in Laws Related to Women & Children, International Law & Competition Law.


Position of Women in India


  • Pre-Constitutional Era –
  • Ancient Period,
  • Medieval Period
  • British Period

  • Post-Constitutional Era –
  • Women & Education
  • Women & Health
  • Women & Political participation
  • Women & Economic activity

  • Offences Against Women –
  • Crime under IPC
  • Crime under Special Laws

  • Law relating to Women – (any 3 minimum)
  • Under Constitution of India
  • Under Code of Criminal Procedure (Cr.P.C.)
  • Under Dowery Prohibition Act, 1961
  • Under Domestic Violence Act, 2005
  • Under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
  • Under ‘The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012
  • Child Marriage Restrain Act 
  • Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986 Burden of Proof

NOTE: Author is required to select any one sub-theme as no other suitable sub-theme relating to significant aspects of Position of Women in India will be appreciated.


ELIGIBILITY: This book invites Academicians, Researchers, Lawyers, Research Scholars, and Students.

AUTHOR’S DETAILS: Details about the author(s), including qualifications and institutional affiliations, if any, are to be mentioned in the covering letter.


  • The abstract should be between 300-500 words, including 3 – 5 keywords.
  • The maximum number of words in the submissions, excluding footnotes, shall be between 4000-5000.


  • Title of the Paper must be in Times New Roman, Size 14, Bold, Centre-aligned.
  • Heading and Subheading must be in Times New Roman, Size 12, Bold, Centre-aligned.
  • Chapter must be in Times New Roman, Size 12; Line Spacing: 1.5.
  • Footnotes must be in Times New Roman, Size 10, Single Line Spacing.


  • Abstract must be submitted to in.doc/.docx format only; with the subject line ‘Abstract – [Name of the Author/s]’. 
  • Full-chapter must be submitted to in .doc/.docx format only; with the subject line ‘Chapter – [Name of the Author/s]’. 
  • Co-authorship shall be limited to two (2).
  • The contributors must adhere to the Bluebook 19th/20th Edition citation format.
  • Originality of Manuscripts: All the contributions should be the original work of the contributors and should not have been submitted for consideration in any other Publication. Any plagiarized work will be out-rightly rejected. The plagiarism level must be less than 10%.
  • The Editors reserves the right for modification of the manuscript to maintain the standard and quality of the submission. The notification and other relevant information shall be shared by the editors via email.


  • Abstract Submission Deadline: June 30, 2021
  • Intimation for Selected Abstracts: July 10, 2021
  • Full Chapters Submission Deadline: July 30, 2021


  • For any query, please write us at:; with the subject line ‘Query– [Name of the Author/s]’.

For the Brochure click here

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