Call for Chapters for law students: Edited Book on International and National Humanitarian Law: Extants and Aspects in 21st Century: Submit by March 30th

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Title of the Book: International and National Humanitarian Law: Extants and Aspects in 21st Century

International Humanitarian Law (IHL) is a part of law of Nations which is inspired by considerations of humanity. It aims to alleviate human suffering and mitigate the effects of warfare. The two principal sources of IHL are Hague and Geneva Conventions, the former setting out restrictions on the means and methods of warfare and the latter providing protection to certain categories of vulnerable persons.

It is generally accepted that a large portion of the principles permeating IHL reflect customary international law and, in some cases, peremptory law (jus cogens). As such, it is binding on all States, irrespective of whether they have acceded to the relevant treaties.

World Community, through various Conventions and Treaties, Prohibited as well as restricted a number of weapons: exploding bullets, expanding bullets, chemical and biological weapons, weapons that injure with non-detectable fragments, mines, booby-traps and improvised explosive devices, incendiary weapons, blinding laser weapons, explosive remnants of war, anti-personnel mines cluster munitions.

In each case the effects of normal use of a particular weapon were emphasized to argue the necessity of restrictions or a ban. And those effects could be summarized as indiscriminate, excessively injurious, going beyond the level of reasonable military advantage, or simply abhorrent. In short, such effects were deemed contrary to the requirements of IHL.

If we look at the recent past and at the present reveals how often war has been waged between States even though International Law Prohibits the Use of Force. Conversely, we have witnessed numerous significant advancements in (military) technology, training serious changes in military engagements. Conflicts are fought with weapons, so, naturally, the importance of achieving superior arsenal than that of one’s enemy is undeniable.

Although IHL has made a difference in protecting vulnerable individuals and restricting the means and methods of warfare, tragically, there are countless examples of violations of IHL in armed conflicts around the world and a
number of other challenges still remain. Yet, the need to limit the choice of permissible weaponry has both pragmatic and humanitarian underpinnings and is, thus, at the roots of modern IHL.


Mr. Prakash is looking forward to receive research papers from the students, researchers, advocates, academicians, etc.

Important Information

  • The research paper should address the key issues and highlight different views and arguments in the present scenario. Some suggestions should also be put forth by the authors for improving the present situation.
  • Every Research Paper should be accompanied by an Abstract of 200 to 300 words mentioning the Title of the Paper, Theme, Sub Theme, Name of the Author and Co-Author, E-mail Address, Postal Address and Contact Number of the Author/Co-Author.
  • The Abstract should mention the novelty of the idea which the author wishes to put forth. It should also mention the outcome of the Research Paper.

Word Limit

The word limit for Research Paper (inclusive of Abstract) is between 2000 words (minimum) to 4000 words (maximum) This word limit is inclusive of footnotes.

The word limit must be strictly adhered to by the participants. Each participant is required to submit an anti-plagiarism declaration along with the paper stating that his/her paper is an original and bona fide piece of research work and that it has not been published or being considered for publication elsewhere.

Sub Themes

  1. Humanitarian Law and Environment Protection;
  2. State’s Responsibility in Protection and Promotion of Humanitarian Law
  3. Humanitarian Law & Modern Technologies
  4. ICRC – Law of War
  5. ICRC – Role in enforcement of International Conventions
  6. Humanitarian Law and Child Protection
  7. Humanitarian Law -The Challenges of Contemporary Armed Conflicts
  8. Humanitarian Law- Women Protection
  9. Privatization of war
  10. Human Rights in Warfare
  11. Protected persons in Armed Conflicts
  12. The Legality and Limits of Security Detention in IHL
  13. Humanitarian Law and Terrorism
  14. Humanitarian Law and Genocide- Legal safeguards and protection
  15. Humanitarian Law and Protection of Refugees
  16. Humanitarian Law and Role of Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations
  17. Humanitarian Law and Prosecution for Crimes
  18. Humanitarian Law and Status of Minorities

This list is just illustrative and not exhaustive. Researchers are welcomed for papers on any topic which is related to the main theme.


Co-Authorship is allowed. However, there can be a maximum of two co-authors in one research paper (i.e., Up to 3 authors total). There is a participation fee of Rs. 600/- at par for all the contributors such as students, researchers, academicians, etc. and the participants are encouraged to participate.

In case of Co-Author/s, each Co-Author/s is chargeable with the same fee as of Author. Payment for publication to be done after the acceptance of the submitted paper is communicated to the author.

Note: Each Author with selected paper will be provided with soft copy of the book as well as 1 complementary hardcopy and acceptance E-Certificate (Note only 1 hardcopy for 1 submission)


The authors should use the ILI (Indian Law Institute) format of Footnoting and Times New Roman Font size 12 with bold headings and space lining 1.5.

Important Dates

  • Last date for Paper Submission: 30th March 2021
  • Acceptance of Paper submitted: Within 4 days of Submission
  • Publication of Book: May 2021 (Soft Copy)
  • Tentative Date of Publication: April 2021 (Soft Copy) and within the month of May 2021, Hard copies (subject to working of the publisher) & (Subject to the postal services).
  • The papers should be sent by e-mail to latest by 30th March 2021. Papers submitted after the last date shall not be considered for publication.

Contact Details

Chander Parkash Singh

Mobile Number: 8716022020


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