- Technological advancement has significantly impacted every aspect of human life and legal research is not exception to it. As the fumes of technology-based websites, e-library, apps, etc. spread across the globe, it brought revolution in the legal education sector. The advancement of technology and easy availability of data has equipped the research to reach its zenith.
- Simultaneously, the use of technology in legal research has its own shortcomings. With this background, School of Law, Bennett University invites paper for an edited book, titled “LEGAL RESEARCH IN THE ERA OF TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT: OPPORTUNITIES, CHALLENGES, AND THE WAY FORWARD” which aims to investigate the impact of technological advancement on legal research. The book will be published with a reputed publishing house. Efforts will be made by this edited book is to identify and investigate the opportunities available for advancement of legal research and challenges that presently legal research system are facing due technical advancement.
- This book will serve as an opportunity for academicians, teachers, researchers, band practitioners to respond to the emergent necessitate for new insights and perspectives to get better legal research policy and practice in the era of technology. Therefore, we invite scholars to choose any one of the sub-themes of the proposed and send your valuable research paper.
- Development of the legal research methodology,
- Use of technology in legal research,
- Legal research in the era of artificial intelligence,
- Dimensions and scope of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary legal research,
- Jurimetrics,
- Importance of literature review in research,
- Plagiarism in legal research,
- Empirical legal research
- Effects of COVID-19 on legal research,
- Challenges of legal research in the era of pre & post COVID-19,
- Contemporary issues and perspectives of legal research,
- Legal research and online legal database/open access database,
- Legal research v. Academic freedom,
- Identifying new tools for data collection during COVID-19, and, or
- Any other connected sub-theme.
- Word limit: 300 words maximum.
- The abstract should not be plagiarised or written using paraphrasing tools.
- Abstract should be accompanied by the title of paper, name of the author(s);
designation; institution; email address of the authors. - Times New Roman 12 with 1.5 line spacing
- Submission Email ID: bennettsolresearch@gmail.com
- Deadline: 10th February 2022.
IMPORTANT DEADLINES: - Submission of title and abstract : 10th February 2022
- Decision on acceptance of title and abstract: 14th February 2022
- Submission of full papers-12th March 2022
- Selected paper information based on Similarity Index and Peer Review: 25th
March 2022
- Abstract: Each manuscript submission must be accompanied by an abstract of not more
than 300 words describing the relevant arguments made or conclusions that have been
drawn, which should be placed at the beginning of the paper. The abstract should not be
plagiarised or written using paraphrasing tools. Abstract should be accompanied by the title of paper, name of the author (s); designation; institution; email address of the authors. Times New Roman 12 with 1.5 line spacing
- Format and Mode of submission:
a. All submissions must use A4 format, with 1 inch margin on all sides
b. Use Times New Roman font with font size of 12 and line spacing of 1.5.
c. All references should be footnoted in Times New Roman font size 10 and line spacing
of 1.0.
d. Maximum Work Limit: 5000 words including footnotes.
e. Speaking footnotes are allowed, though heavy usage of speaking footnotes is
discouraged. Use of endnotes is not allowed.
f. All submissions must be in .doc, word or .docx format. Submissions made in .pdf
format or in any other formats shall not be considered.
g. All submissions must be through e-mail bennettsolresearch@gmail.com. Hard copy
submissions are not allowed.
h. Number of Author: Paper can be co-authored. However, maximum of two authors is
i. All contributions and correspondence should be addressed to ‘The Editors, Legal
Research In an era of technological advancement: Opportunities, Challenges, and the
way forward.’
j. The manuscript should be accompanied with the author’s name, designation, institute,
contact number and e-mail for future reference.
k. Footnote Style: Footnoting or Citation style prescribed under SILC shall be followed
in order to maintain uniformity across submissions. http://silcmanual.com/ - All submissions must be the original and unpublished works of the author(s). The
contributions shall be evaluated on the basis of originality, innovativeness, clarity and
technical correctness.
Preference would be given to the submissions made pertaining to the themes and sub
themes given.
- In case of reference to unpublished works, the author shall be deemed to have obtained
the permission of the referred author. - All contributions to the book are peer reviewed by its expert advisory board subject to the
editorial approval and test of plagiarism. - Plagiarism in any form shall result in instant rejection of the submission.
- Submissions will be checked in Turnitin Similarity Index and should not exceed 10%
similarity including footnotes. - Verbatim reproduction of legal provisions, judgements and other legal sources should be
avoided to the maximum possible extent. - The Editors of book shall not be responsible for any material that is libellous or
scandalous. - The decision of the Editors in this matter is final and binding.
- Any paper that is written using a paraphrasing tool will be rejected at the outset.
Editors: bennettsolresearch@gmail.com
ANIMESH KUMAR: L21SOLP0016@bennett.edu.in
MANISHA: L21SOLP0008@bennett.edu.in
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