Vidhi Mitra, The Legal Aid Cell, Dharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur was established in the year 2018. Its aim is to make the legal system and justice more accessible to the general public and create awareness amongst the people about the contemporary legal issues and established rights of the people.
The Vidhi Mitra Blog is aimed to provide an active forum to the legal fraternity to express and share their experiences and opinions on contemporary legal issues and themes prescribed by the cell. The Blog can be accessed here: https://legalaiddnlu.wordpress.com/
The Editorial Board of the blog is inviting articles, case notes, blog posts, book reviews and discussion within the aim and scope of the subject matter, i.e., Technological Advancement and Law.
Balance in any society is measured by comparing the speed of social changes and their corresponding changes in the law. The rapid social changes, as the outcome of technological advancement bring deep social effect. In order to counter those effects, the law must adapt itself and take into account the perspective future changes so as to maintain equilibrium. Thus, it would not be far-fetched to say that changes in law and technological advancements go hand in hand. With every technological development introduced in our society new relationships, activities and entities also develop which can pose certain questions regarding use and reach of the technology, limiting its use to a particular area and many others.
The Blog is open to any topic which revolves around “Technological Advancement and Law” or any other contemporary legal issue(s).
There are countless topics to explore for research in law and technological advancement, but keeping in mind the current subject-matters of discussion on the relationship between law and technological advancement and their interdependence, we have divided our theme into the followingsub-themes:
- Crypto currency in India: Potential andChallenges
- Innovation and Technology: Growing field of Intellectual PropertyRights
- Importance of technology in imparting legaleducation
- Regulatory policies for Artificial intelligence andRobotics
- Technology: A threat toPrivacy
- Impact of technological advancement on Civilliberties
- Validity of ElectronicContract
- Emergence and future of VirtualCourts
- Analysis of IT laws in India.
The theme aims to offer reflection on the inter-dependent relationship between technology and law. The theme also seeks to clarify and deepen the intellectual roots by exploring the possibilities and challenges that technology pose to the existing legal system. It also aims at analyzing the potential of technological furtherance in the field oflaw. The work of the author(s) must represent a new idea or contribution to the jurisprudence of the topic. Arguments must be logical and backed by facts.
- The author may choose to write on one or more sub-theme for hiswrite-up.
- The blog is also open to any topic that revolves around Technological Advancements and lawor any other contemporaryissue.
The blogs shall be submitted on or before 25th August 2020 at legalaid.dnlu@gmail.com
Contact Info
In the case of any queries, contact at: legalaid.dnlu@gmail.com
Student Co-Ordinators:
Abhinav Jena: 7327097374
Ashutosh Khandelwal: 8909507047
For more details, click here