About the Blog
The mandate of the Indian Journal of International Economic Law (IJIEL) is to augment the discussion on the implications of international economic law for developing countries. Topics may range from international trade and investment law, and WTO law, to international taxation and intellectual property law. We have, over the past few years, published on a variety of areas under IEL and featured articles by both students and luminaries in this field. We seek to provide a new perspective on international economic law, and create discourse for the position of developing countries in these matters.
Students at the undergraduate or postgraduate level as well as academicians, practitioners and other stakeholders.
How to Submit
Contributions should be mailed only in a soft copy (.doc or .docx format) to ijielblog@nls.ac.in, the subject of the mail being ‘Submission for IJIEL Blog’.
Submission Guidelines
1. The article must fit within the general mandate of IJIEL.
2. We invite the following types of contributions from students and scholars alike:
a. Responses to articles in the print journal or previous articles published on the Blog.
b. Comments on contemporary legal developments.
c. Articles on topics relating to international economic law.
d. Book Reviews engaging with recent literary works.
3. All contributions should ordinarily be between 750-1250 words in length, although lengthier submissions may be accepted
4. The article must be cited as per OSCOLA 4th edition
5. For citations, authors are requested to use endnotes (please see the articles on the blog for reference)
Contact Info
Please address any queries to ijielblog@nls.ac.in

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