Call for Blogs: The Competition Forum: Submissions on Rolling Basis

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Call for blogs for Law Students and legal professionals.

About The Competition Forum

The Competition Forum (TCF) is a peer-reviewed blog focusing on Competition/Antitrust Law. They aim at providing information, research, critical and constructive comments, and ideas.

About the Review Process

TCF has adopted a unique ‘Three Staged Review Process’ to create a platform that offers quality research & improve the existing literature on Competition Law. The Articles will be first checked for editorial compliance by the Student Editors.

Thereafter, in the second stage, it will be reviewed by our team of eminent editors which would include academicians as well as legal practitioners. In the last stage, our Board of Advisors will do a detailed review of the submission.

The Board of Advisors comprise of Mr. Steve Levitsky, Merger Clearance and Antitrust Counsel based in New York and Mr. Anshuman Sakle, Partner with the Competition/Antitrust Law Practice at Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas.

LawOF Provides information about online legal blogs for Law Students


Competition jurisprudence is still at a nascent stage and thus is in need of minds and voices that can direct its development in the right direction. TCF is the first Indian blog that solely focuses on Competition Law.


They are open to any topic which revolves around “Competition/Antitrust Laws”.

Word Limit

The word limit should ideally range from 1000-1500 Words. However, longer submissions may be considered on the basis of merit.

Submissions can be in the form of articles, opinions, case comments, and short notes on the aforementioned topics.
Word limits are indicative only. Authors are invited to stay within them to enhance the effectiveness of their posts

How to Submit?

All submissions must be sent in an MS Word document to

Contributors should include their full name and affiliation, a link to their online profile page, if available, and a suggested title for their blog post, in their covering email. They are also encouraged to suggest the relevant keywords for their post.

TCF conducts a strict editorial review of submissions received and holds absolute discretion in determining whether to accept a submission or not.

Contact Info


Important Links

For the website link, click here.

LawOF is the emerging portal for Law Students & Teachers

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