Call for Blogs-Nyaya Forum for Courtroom Lawyering Blog: Submissions on Rolling basis

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Nyaya Forum, through its blog ‘NALSAR Legal Practice Hub’ (NLPH) and various lectures, panel discussions, and other events held throughout the year, aims not only to make careers in courtroom lawyering more appealing, but also to make these avenues more feasible and plausible for young law graduates. The Nyaya forum recently hosted a webinar series on the practical sides of litigation, inviting numerous notable speakers to share their knowledge and experiences.

The NALSAR Legal Practice Hub welcomes articles, essays, and opinion pieces from practitioners, academics, law students, or anyone who wishes to express an opinion on court experiences, advocacy styles, best practises for litigators, and recent developments in the legal profession and judiciary, i.e., the law for lawyers and judges. The blog is dedicated to providing a high level of academic interaction with the practise of law, and as such, it looks forward to publishing original, creative, and innovative write-ups on the aforementioned topics. The blog is not limited to the Indian legal profession; it also invites comparative writings that focus on the legal profession and judicial systems of other countries. It also encourages 101 postings that attempt to explain and detail court proceedings. It also welcomes critical discussion on specific cases that seek to expose the workings of the Indian legal profession.

Relevant Details and Links

The word limit for the submissions is 1200 to 1500 words.

Official website

Further Details on Submission

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In case of any further queries, please feel free to write to us at

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