The Intellectual Property and Technology Laws Society [IPTLS] is an academic society at the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata (NUJS). Its objective is to research and initiate discussions on contemporary issues relating to Intellectual Property and Technology Laws as well as spread awareness of such laws both within and outside the university.
The IPTLS provides a platform for the discussion and dissemination of opinions on related laws not only specific to India, but also the global community.
IPTLS has had a longstanding record in organizing seminars and conferences, subject-specific workshops for students and essay competitions. The Society has also been involved in research projects and advocacy programmes in association with the Ministry of HRD IP Chair at NUJS.
In addition, IPTLS maintains a blog as well as a monthly newsletter highlighting recent developments in intellectual property and technology laws. The aim of these is to prepare a repository of material and discussions on intellectual property and technology laws to aid not only students, but also academicians and interested persons, in engaging in these fields.
How to Submit
The IPTLS is currently accepting submissions for its blog on a rolling basis. All manuscripts in .doc or .docx format should be mailed to iptls@nujs.edu with the subject, “Submission for the Blog”.
IPTLS accepts entries which add to the discourse in areas of Intellectual Property [IP] and Technology Laws.
Submission Guidelines
- The word limit for entries is 900-1200 words. However, flexibility is allowed to maintain the quality along with the requirement of the content of the articles.
- Manuscripts must contain original and unpublished content of the author/s.
- Any references should be in the form of hyperlinks (open access version where available) in the main body of the blog post. The post must also link back to IPTLS Blog posts wherever relevant. Footnotes (in accordance with OSCOLA) must be used only for those sources which are not available online.
- The entries must include sub-headings to help readers navigate through the post easily and quickly.
- The cover page of the e-mail must contain a brief description of the author.
- All submissions will be reviewed by the editorial team to check originality, quality of arguments, structure and citations before publication and may be accepted or rejected on any of these grounds. Any decision about acceptance or rejection is tried to be communicated within 10-12 days.
For detailed Submission Guidelines, click here.
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