JFSL invites submissions on any subject matter related to and limited to Outer Space Law. The following is an indicative list of permitted areas of submission:
- National and International Space Policies.
- International Law of Outer Space including, Treaties, Bilateral Agreements etc.
- Municipal Laws related to Outer Space
- Outer Space Agencies and Bodies – International and Regional
Submission Rules
- Co-authorship: Co-authorship of up to 2 authors is permitted.
- The articles submitted must adhere to a word limit between 800-1500 words and should be analytical in nature. JFSL is flexible on the word count depending on the quality of the submission.
- References must be hyperlinked within the text of the article with credible online sources. Endnotes/Bibliography (OSCOLA or Bluebook) to be used in case of unavailability of online sources.
- Posts will be considered for publication based on various factors including relevance, quality, structure, logic and writing style.
- Each submission must include 3-5 relevant keywords.
Formatting Rules
The article shall be in:
- Font: Times New Roman
- Font Size: 12
- Line Spacing: 1.5
- Style: Normal
- Alignment: Justified
- File Name: Topic_Author Name.docx
- The title of the Article should be equal to or less than 100 characters
- Abbreviations of any defined terms used shall be placed inside (parenthesis) at the first occurrence in the manner specified. For Example, Outer Space Treaty (“OST”)
- Direct quotations from any judgement or order should be italicised and placed inside “double quotes”.
Submission Procedure
- The article should be submitted in both Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) and PDF format to ‘jfsl.jgu@gmail.com’
- The manuscript should not contain the name of the author or their institutional affiliation or any other identification mark
- The following details of the author(s) must be mentioned in the body of the email
i. Full Name
ii. Year of Study (if applicable)
iii. Institution/Organisation of Affiliation (if applicable)
iv. Email ID
v. Mobile Number
Relevant Contacts
Email: jfsl.jgu@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +91 991062944.
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