Call for Blogs for law students by Environmental Policy and Law [EPL; Global Journal], Netherlands: Submit Now!

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  • EPL aims to cater to the quest of scholars and decision-makers to address the environmental “world problematique.” It will, where possible, also aims to accommodate high-quality research works on regional and national (policy, law, and institutional) issues of significance that have global value as well as replicable in other parts of the world.
  • EPL’s ideational vision and the content will be guided by this primary remit to pursue a pathway for a better common environmental future.


  • Environmental policy;
  • Environmental law;
  • Or a related topic.

Submission Rules

  • Blog posts must cover a topic important to environmental policy, environmental law, or a related topic.
  • It will be reviewed by a journal editor and staff, along with external experts as appropriate. The author may receive feedback.
  • It should be factually and scientifically sourced and accurate. As appropriate, please provide reference citations with links.
  • References are not always necessary in blog posts, though if they are required, then it is recommended no more than 20 can be cited.
  • Blogposts may not be defamatory.
  • The journal reserves the right to edit for grammar, length, clarity and editorial style. Authors will be advised of edits prior to publication. As appropriate, the editor/journal may return the post for revisions prior to publication.
  • Authors are asked to consider royalty-free artwork that may accompany their posts. The authors must be able to provide details and sources of these royalty-free images. If no images are supplied, the editor will select appropriate visuals.
  • The suggested length for posts is 300 to 1500 words. For lengthy submissions, the journal reserves the right to suggest reducing the length or splitting the article into multiple posts.
  • The post title should be clear about the point of the post – what’s in it for the reader? How will they benefit from reading?

Relevant Link and Contact

Further Details

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