About the Blog
Economics Law and Social Sciences Review [ELSR] is a student-run and peer-reviewed blog. The blog was founded by students of various National Law Universities and is professionally backed by legal as well as non-legal luminaries like Professor Venkat Rao, Professor RK Bhatnagar, Senior Advocate NL Rajah and Ruchi Pant (Head- Natural Resourse Management and Biodiversity, UNDP) amongst others.
ELS Review focuses on inter-disciplinary discovery and dissection of law. We attempt to escape from the four walls of the statutes and synthesise thoughts and ideas from other disciplines so as to link them with law.
Law cannot be understood in pure isolation and it is bound to intersect with disciplines like economics, philosophy, politics and sociology, for law is not what is drafted by the legislatures and crafted by the judges; it is something everyone including you and we interacts with, on a daily basis.
ELSR strives to bring forth academically excellent content across various fields of Law and Social Sciences which includes Economics, History, Politics among others.
General Guidelines
- The submission should be between 1000-1200 words excluding footnotes. If the author wishes to publish a longer piece, they can send the same in two parts.
- The submission should deal with a relevant/topical issue concerning any area of Law, History, Political Science, Economics or Policy.
- Submissions are welcome from students, researchers, practitioners and faculty.
- Only original work of the author(s) will be accepted. Submissions will be screened for plagiarism. Plagiarism > 25 % will be a ground for rejection.
- Co-authorship is allowed upto two authors.
- Cross-posting is allowed with the permission of the editors.
- The authors must ensure that their names, institutional affiliation and other personal information is not present in the submitted document. The authors are free to mention personal details in the email however should not do so in the attached word document.
The articles should be mailed to us in a word document and while formatting the document, the author(s) should keep the following things in mind:
- Font size: 12 pt., Font style: Times New Roman and Line spacing: 1.5 lines.
- The authorities and sources should be duly acknowledged and hyperlinks should be used for the same. If hyperlinks are not available, then footnotes (uniform style) can be used.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions must be emailed to editorial.elsreview@gmail.com with the subject ‘SUBMISSION FOR ELSR’.
The body of the email must contain a short bio of the author(s) and the name of the institution that they are affiliated to.
Review Process
- The board would look into various factors like a relevance to the theme of the blog, accuracy of facts, depth of analysis, coherence in arguments and lastly, language and structure of the content.
- Upon selection, the author will be intimated of the same and will be required to send an image which should be representative of the submission piece.
- Generally, the author(s) will be intimated about acceptance/rejection within 7 days of submission. However, under exceptional circumstances, the review process may take up to 10 days.
Contact Details
For more information or in case of query you can contact at editorial.elsreview@gmail.com.
Important Links
Forward Blog Link: click here.