Call for Book Chapters:
Edited Book on Vedic Tradition of Law and Legal System by Banaras Hindu University:
Submit by April 25
About the book
The Centre for Vedic Science, Banaras Hindu University successfully organized a two days’ workshop on Vedic Jurisprudence and its impact on Contemporary World during 22nd-23rd February at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
Since the Centre has prior commitment to publish edited book on the same subject matter, we invite chapter contribution from scholars for the purpose of edited book which tentatively entitled as Vedic Tradition of Law and Legal System.
For the convenience of interested contributors, the following recommended topics are also provided as:
- Vedic Tradition and Constitutional Values: Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy.
- Vedic Philosophy and Jurisprudence: Dharma as a Source of Law, Concept of Justice, Duty Based Society, Role of King in Administration of Justice, Justice without Law, Ethics, Morality and Law.
- Hindu Family Law: Law relating to Marital and Quasi Marital Relationship, Law relating to Parental and Quasi Parental Relationship including Legitimacy and Adoption, Law of Joint Hindu Family: Coparcenary and Coparcenary Property, Law of Partition, Law of Debts and Doctrine of Pious Obligation, Law of Inheritance, Stridhana.
- Law Relating to Property and Tax: Meaning and Kinds of Property, Ownership and Possession: Nature and Modes of Acquisition, Transfer of Ownership, The Law of Bailment and other, Incorporeal Rights, Law of Gift and Pledge, Tax Structure and Punishment for Default, Land Rights.
- Principle of Wrong and Procedure: Civil Wrong, Criminal Wrong, International Crime, Procedure for Implementation of Law, Concept and Forms of Punishment. Justification for Punishment i.e. Expiation, Atonement, Just Deserts, Individualization of Punishment.
- Public Administration and International Relation: Rules regarding to Public Administration, Concept of Democracy and International Relations.
- Environmental concern in Indian Tradition: Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution, Approach of Development and Sustainable Consumption, Duties for Environment Protection.
These topics are suggestive only, however, any relevant chapter relating to the title of the book may be considered.
Objective of this Book
The modern western jurisprudence is undergoing in a deep crisis. Despite creating a host of schools and theories, it seems to have exhausted the possibility of any further development and is lying stagnant. However, solutions to vital problems have remained elusive.
Keeping in view the above problems and issues related to Vedic law & practice and its potential use in modern jurisprudence, the Centre for Vedic Science has decided to publish this book with the aim and objective to establish the intellectual wealth of the preceding generations, which has given very balanced comprehensive and fruitful solutions to each and every problem.
How to submit
All proposals should be submitted at
- Contributors are invited to submit chapter’s proposals on or before April 25, 2020, a chapter proposal of 1,000 to 2,000 words clearly explaining the contents and concerns of the proposed chapter.
- Author(s) will be notified by April 30, 2020, about the status of their proposals. Full chapter is to be of more than 10,000 words (excluding footnotes) and expected to be submitted by June 15, 2020.
- All interested author should follow the guidebook of reference for manuscript footnoting.
No submission Fee
There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this book publication. All manuscripts are accepted based on a review editorial process. This book is to be published by the Banaras Hindu University.
Important dates
Proposal of Chapter Submission Deadline: April 25, 2020
Proposal confirmation date: April 28, 2020
Full Chapter Submission Date: June 15, 2020
This publication is anticipated to be released in August 15, 2020.
Contact Info
Editor: Dr. Anoop Kumar, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Banaras Hindu University
Contact Email:
Mobile No. 8853825728
To See Guidebooks for Reference, click here.

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