Call for Articles
Kerala University Journal of Legal Studies
( KUJLS ISSN -2278-2702).
Deadline: Feb 15, 2017
Kerala University Journal of Legal Studies ( KUJLS ISSN -2278-2702) is a refereed Journal Published by the Department of Law University of Kerala. Ours is a half yearly journal published since 1998. We accept articles in the discipline of law having high research value.
We will accept articles for the Volume IX (2016) up to February 15 , 2017
Submissions Guidelines:
- Contributions to the journal may be e-mailed to the
- Articles must be typed in MS Word using 12pt Times New Roman Font in double space.
- Length of the article may be between 25 to 35 pages and case note may be 10-15 Pages.
- Citations of the references shall be in Harvard Blue Book Format.
- Contributors are required to provide Name, Designation, Official Address, e-mail ID and Contact Number in a separate MS word file.
- Only articles which have not been published earlier or which are not being considered for publications elsewhere will be entertained. A declaration duly signed to this effect must be sent to Professor and Head, Department of Law, University of Kerala, Karyavattom P.O. Trivandrum 695 581.
- Since KUJLS is a refereed research journal before starting editing process article shall be sent for the blind review by the expert and the contributors may revise the articles in accordance with the suggestions of the reviewer.
- Although articles shall be subject to rigorous editing process, the accuracy of quotations, titles, names, dates, charts, tables and footnotes is the responsibility of the author.
- A copyright of the articles and other contributions published in KUJLS is vested in the journal and its contributors
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