Call for Applications: JLSR is Recruiting Campus Ambassadors

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JLSR Campus Connect Programme


Journal for Law Students and Researchers [JLSR]  is an Online Journal which is quarterly, Peer Reviewed, published online and JLSR seeks to provide an interactive platform for the publication of Short Articles, Long Articles, Book Reviews, Case Comments, Research Papers, Essays in the field of Law .

Our aim is to upgrade the level of interaction and discourse about contemporary issues of law. We are eager to become a highly cited publication, through quality contributions from students, academicians, professionals from the industry, the bar and the bench. JLSR welcomes contributions from all legal branches, as long as the work is original, unpublished,unplagiarized and is in consonance with the submission guidelines.

Duration & Time Commitment

2 months, the estimated time commitment is approximately 3-4 hours a week, with some variations throughout the term.

Eligibility Criteria

Law Student of recognized Institution.

We are looking for self-motivated and responsible individuals with excellent communication skills.

He/she should also be well networked and be able to engage with a variety of audience.

Organizing and resourcefulness skills will also be an added advantage.

Work Responsibility

Promoting JLSR in your Institution and various Social Media Platforms.

Serve as a strategic link between your college and JLSR.

Submitting Contents, Articles and Research Papers.

Conduct interviews of Dean, Director, Law Faculty, eminent Legal Luminaries visiting your college/university, the guests arriving at your campus, etc. for the purpose of publication on our website.


Internship Certificate & Certificate of Appreciation.

Recognition of active Campus Connect on our website.

Internship assistance.

How to Apply?

Mail your CVs at


Abhishek, Content Manager ,9521643693


For Website Link, click Here

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