Book Review:
“Youth Arise Awake and Know your Strength”
Crenzia Rubina Pereira
(Student BALLB- 2nd Year),
V.M. Salgaocar college of Law Miramar. GOA
Youth is not a phase of life but it is a ” State of Mind ” because I have read about individuals who are full of enthusiasm in their old age and of young people deeply discouraged, unhappy. So, then youth becomes a state of mind, behavior aspect than an age-related parameter. This post is about a book –Youth Arise Awake and Know your Strength, which is wonderfully written to motivate the youth in you.
Youth Arise Awake and Know your Strength
How can we stay youthful always? i.e. develop a state of the mindset of youth always and reap maximum outcome out of us when we are in such phase? By making an Ideal who has demonstrated the characteristics of real youth, a person like Swami Vivekananda who is a legend and an Iconic symbol of Youth and due to that his birthday was made as National Youth Day. There is a book written with all such useful content which can help any youth to unleash their true potential though they are not aware of their potential right now, the book title is ” Youth Arise Awake and Know your Strength ”
This book is not only for youth but for everyone on this earth who wishes to improve and learn remember ‘Youth is not a phase of life but its a state of mind’, let’s take Socrates for example, ” he wanted to learn violin when he was on his death-bed fascinated by seeing it being played by a person standing in front of him” that is the sign of real youth, not just teenage is enough for being called as youth.
This is a one of the fantastic book from the collection of books published by Sri Rama Krishna Math. If you had a chance to visit that please do visit. It will be a good experience to you to see a serenity in that place and give you instant peace of mind.
This book is a wonderful collection of all the content which can help a person to unleash his true potential. It describes various topics like
1. Who is Real Youth ?
- Just having the traits of youth alone is enough or are there any specific characteristics which can be exhibited by youth alone ? This aspect is wonderfully illustrated in the book.
- He who is chicken – hearted can be called as youth through his body makes him look like youth, the person who is lion-hearted & will not quake at any moment of life is called Real Youth
2. Self – Confidence & How to develop it ?
- The old religion says that he who doesn’t believe in god is an atheist while the new religion says that he who doesn’t believe in himself is an atheist. – Swami Vivekananda
- If you have faith in all the gods on the earth but do not have faith in yourself then no one can help you. – Swami Vivekananda
- Self – Confidence is very important in life.
- This book illustrates various topics like conviction, hard work, love, self-respect, determination, discrimination, strength etc which are needed to develop self-confidence.
3. How to Overcome suicidal tendencies ?
- In Recent times youth is becoming so weak – hearted that they are committing suicides for every small thing.
- How can youth overcome this mindset and lead a life of happiness and accomplishment ? These points are very well discussed in this book.
4. The importance of Brahmacharya & How can we follow it ?
5. Vedanta & its practice.
Other important aspects
It also portrays various aspects, complexities which bother the youth & those which cannot be conveyed to their parents & close friends as well due to the sudden changes in the body & mind and the remedies to them. The remedies provided are very useful as they can help youth to get rid of them temporarily at the moment itself & permanently if they keep implementing the techniques suggested by them in the book, especially the article about self – confidence is priceless.
Beautiful Quotes
The book is a collection of wonderful quotes & statements by Swami Vivekananda & other great people which can boost the motivation of demotivated as well as a motivated person also to move in the direction of their destination with more courage & confidence
Genius is one percent Inspiration & 99 percent perspiration.– Thomas Alva Edison
Earth is enjoyed by Heroes, this is an unfailing truth. Be a hero. Always say ” I have no fear” & say this to everyone “have no fear”. Fear is death, Fear is sin, Fear is hell, Fear is unrighteousness & all the negative ideas & thoughts in this worlds have proceeded from the evil spirit of fear only. – Swami Vivekananda
If you think yourselves strong, Strong you will be. If you think yourselves weak, Weak you will be. – Swami Vivekananda
Strength is Life, Weakness is death. – Swami Vivekananda
A fool never begins a work due to the fear of failure, a mediocre leaves a work in the middle due to the failure, Only a man of courage will complete the work despite of adversities. – Bhatruhari
The book also highlights the importance of Brahmacharya in modern age & why it was imposed on the youth ? It wonderfully illustrates this aspect saying that Brahmacharya is very important in the phase of education and it alone helps in generating huge concentration towards our study. Without concentration, not even small & simple work can be done properly.
Vedanta is a vast topic and very conflicting topic as many people spoke on that in very diverse ways. So, what exactly is meant by Vedanta & how can we use the principles taught in Vedanta to increase our productivity and improve our lifestyle is illustrated very well in the book.
When I have completed reading this book what I felt was, this is one of the most valuable assets in my life similar to the following Britisher’s story – One Britisher was asked If your country drowns down completely and you can only carry a limited set of items with you then what all things you would take & what is the most important thing in those ? To that he replied without any doubt – books Written by ‘Shakespeare’. This book took that place for me and I am sure it will help you as well.
I will conclude the post with one last quote from Swami Ji –
Be not afraid of anything you will do marvelous work, the moment you fear you are nobody
– Swami Vivekananda (The Lion)
This Book Review was prepared or accomplished by Crenzia Rubina Pereira (Student BALLB- 2nd Year), V.M. Salgaocar college of Law Miramar. GOA in his personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of the
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